how are you feeling today?


Well-known member
hey iamthenra.

I think its so much better to feel neutral than feeling the way you are right now. It surely is unhealthy to be negative like that, but to be honest I think being overtly positive isn't too much better(okay, maybe a little). I am 100% certain that the opinions you hold about yourself are delusional and unrealistic. No, not because they are negative opinions but because they aren't true most likely. Perhaps you are in need of cognitive behavorial therapy. I have yet to try that one out versuses all of that medicine....and yes I do have days where I have felt that way too. I think everyone has.

Not sure if anything I said should make you feel better or not.::(:

Not really feeling better... But thanks for trying! I feel desperate because of my age. I'm 40 and in less than a week I will be 41... And wanting a girl friend for over 3 decades, and obsessing about it.... Frustration doesn't even describe it... Depression does. I have no experiences to fall back on. I've never had a girl friend, and that is what I have been wishing for, and hoping for. That goal just seems to be so far out there it might as well be on the planet Pluto. I am just afraid that I will die before I get to even experience those last few things on my list of things I have to accomplish before I die... I know it sounds negative, but I have lived over 40 years... 40 years of wanting a g/f and actually trying for about 12 of those years with the online dating sites, and only 3 dates in my entire life.... So my track record isn't very good. And based on fact and the amount of success I have had thus far, I do believe that I am going to probably go to my grave without ever having a girl friend.... So I have good reason to be and sound negative.


New member
I feel aiight. Except sometime i feel that i am wasting my life away because i dont do anything productive. But then again i figure to just relax and enjoy life.


Well-known member
well you deserve someone really special. Maybe it's taken your lady 3 decades or more to become worthy of you. She's out there.

Thank you mmmm! I hope you're right... The only problem I can see, is that that special lady doesn't know I even exist. Being somewhat home bound, most people don't know I am even here... SA is the kiss of death for anyone who wants a partner...

I do feel better today, as I know that my mood is cyclic. It does seem to be a monthly cycle, so maybe it's PMS for me, a man???? HUH? LOL :D
My anxiety is sky high right now. I sent that email to my advisor, and was proud of my self,'s the catch22: now I'm second guessing everything I said to her and scared that I gave her my answer a little too late, scared that she'll hate my decision and not want me to work for her now. I'm so sick of second-guessing myself.
i feel like i'm sticking my hand into a running garbage disposal every time i try to work on this ****ing paper.