Every now and again, in life and in business, you will suck at
Not just like, you'll do it colossally wrong one time.
No, sometimes, you systemically and repeatedly suck at the same
damn thing, over and over again.
Sometimes it's laundry. Sometimes it's Facebook. And sometimes it's
(Sometimes I suck at writing this newsletter. There. I said it.)
Occasionally, things fall through the cracks. You can't get to it
in time.
You know (because you read all the right books and magazines and
blogs) that you should have a system in place, and if you put it in
place properly, the sucking would never happen again.
Everything would be daisies and pansies and fields of prancing
This is completely true. (Especially the kittens part.)
The only teensy tiny problem is that you don't have the systems NOW
and, honestly, you're not 100% sure when you will have them.
Right now, on the topic of The Thing You're Sucking At, you're
doing one of three things:
* you're blithely ignoring it
* you're snapping at people who bring it up
* or, most likely, you're beating yourself up about it and getting
drunk and maudlin.
Bad plan, dude.
In my many years of experience at sucking at stuff, I have
determined that there are three potential solutions to the sucking
problem, and today, dear reader, I will reveal them to you.
Option One: Stop doing the thing you suck at.
Sometimes it doesn't even need to be done. Sometimes you can give
up, right now, forever, COMPLETELY WITHOUT INCIDENT.
If this is true, do this one.
This is also a nice choice when you absolutely, completely HATE the
thing you're sucking at. If you hate Facebook, just quit it, for
God's sake. Tell your social media guru that Naomi and Dave said it
was okay.
Send them over here and they can fight it out at our place. We have
a whole department devoted to fighting with your 24-year-old social
media guru on your behalf.
Option Two: Stop sucking at it.
This is for when you're being a big baby. You know you need to stop
sucking and you know the way to stop sucking is to STOP SUCKING.
This is a good choice for when you know there's no good reason
you're screwing something up, and fixing it will take virtually no
time, and it's not like you're doing something better this
afternoon anyway.
Suck it up, put the damn system in place, and get on with your
life. Just do it. Properly.
Do what it takes and stop being such a whiner.
(This is generally not my favorite option, but sometimes it's time
for the big girl panties, you know?)
Option Three: Do your best for now, and revisit later.
When it's mayhem, it's mayhem. When you don't have any room on your
plate for a legitimately important activity, do your best and fix
it later.
Yes, if you have devoted a lot of time in the past to building up
your Facebook fan page, you probably SHOULD be doing something with
all those fans. But your mother just broke her hip and you got a
big rash of new clients and your daughter's pregnant.
It's fine. You won't die.
(OK, if the thing you're sucking at is going to see your doctor
about those chest pains, then yes, you could die. Other than that,
you're fine.)
Relax. Take a deep breath. Accept that you are doing your best, and
promise yourself you'll revisit the issue later.
In order to accomplish this option properly, YOU HAVE TO STOP
"Revisit later" means revisit later. If you're beating yourself up
about it, you're not revisiting it later, you're visiting it now.
Stop thinking about it. Completely.
Go do your other stuff and come back to this in a week or a month
or a year.
Things to reflect upon when you feel like you suck:
First of all, it's okay to suck at stuff. It's not okay because
it's okay, it's okay because YOU ARE HUMAN.
Humans sometimes suck at stuff. Even the big "successful" humans
with their slick videos and giant Twitter followings and no visible
signs of sucking. (Sometimes the sucking goes on behind the
We're all human, and we all have stuff we suck at. IT'S OKAY.
Secondly, you have options. You don't have to try and create a
perfect everything-in-every-area to avoid feeling like a failure.
You can stop the thing you suck at and let it go. You can figure
out how to stop sucking at it soon. Or you can just decide to cut
yourself some slack and fix it later.
But stop beating yourself up because you're not perfect. You're
doing pretty damned good so far.
Do what you can with where you're at.
Take care of yourself. That's the important part.
And remember it will all work out eventually.
In the meantime, remember that sucking at something doesn't mean
YOU suck.
You're just human, and that's okay. (Mandatory, in fact.)