Hello SA/SP-friends!


New member
I am a 18 year old girl and ive been struggeling with SA for about 5 years now.

I have tried everything from hypnosis to CBT but nothing seems to help. I guess the best way for me is to talk to other sufferers.


Well-known member
Hi sandiepie, welcome to the forum.

It helps me to talk to other sufferers. It makes me feel less alone.

Hope you like it here.


Well-known member
Good evening, sandiepie. Welcome to the forum and I hope you get some answers you're looking for. If not, enjoy talking with me and some of the other regulars here. :)


Well-known member
Hey sandie and welcome to the club:)! We'll do all that we can to help you with your SA! You'll become social, promise!

Now, wouldst thou mind entertaining me as to thine interests;)? I wouldst like to engage thee in friendly banter concerning it:rolleyes:!


Well-known member
Hi and welcome.

Take it from me that one of the big positives you can take is that you've discovered you have SA at such a young age. It took me until into my thirties to realise this fact and I feel like I've missed out on a number of years that I'll never get back.

Talking is definitely good and you'll find loads of great advice on here.


Well-known member
Hey Sandy u have nice nick name but it make me soo hungry i want a pie =P lolz i think im gonna go in the kitchen for ur fault =P jk anyways welcome to the forum =)