HEADACHES headaches headaches!!!!

I am sooo sick and tired of these constant headaches! Do you get a lot of headaches? Like a lot a lot? And what do you do to deal with them? I am getting headaches now almost every single day now. I don't know what the problem is, or if it is anxiety related or what. It is sooo annoying, and it is driving me crazy! Everyday Everyday Everyday! It makes it so I can't do things. It's hard to finish anything like this.

I have one right now as we speak, not bad enough yet though to the point where I have to hide my head in some pillows. Like Does anyone else just get these constant constant constant headaches? I am soooooo bleh. mhfkjhgvjksdhvjkhfs stupid headaches.


*puts his hand up* Yeah i get em aswell :( there propa horrible aswell,not just a bit of an achey head i mean shear migrainie agaony which has me clutching my head,and if i have one in bed no way am i going to sleep :?

I also get em alot,I wouldnt say everyday but when i do get em i will have them consitently and more than the average person should.Dunno if if feels like this for you,but for me it feels like i get so stressed out that i actualy start to feel stress pressure inside my head and then its only a matter of time till i get a ful blown one which will last for hours and keep me awake.

Wish i had some advice,but most normaly painkillers wont even tickle em for me,and i have a feeling there caused by anxiety and stress and maybe sitting on the computer for too long.Its worth trying to drink lots of watrer tho hun cos aparantly getting dehydrated can be a common cause of em.


Well-known member
Oh yeah i had headaches too hardcore growing up. Sometimes migraines so bad you'd puke!
I get em still but not nearly as much. Just remember to eat and drink lots of water... and sleep right, really all you can do to prevent them.
I always have advil on hand too, i find tylenol doesn't work at all sometimes.


Well-known member
I always feel stressed out because of my anxiety, so i've often got a dull ache as if someone is squeezing my head.


i used to have loads of migraines, it was due to stress and high blood pressure, there is nothing you can really do other than take aspirin or something a little stronger, maybe nurofen, and sit in a dark room, and try to ride it out, as someone else said drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated aswell, ooh also lavender helps me with mine, i usually put some in my pillow if i have one and it helps me sleep.

and recluse it sounds like you get tension headaches, you ought to try acupuncture, my mom suffered from them for ages, and she had a course of acupuncture and they eased off.


New member
YEEESSS! Migraine sufferer since I was 5yrs old.
Millions of tests but wasn't till I turned 17 and was seeing a psychologist for depression that they finally woke up that my migraines were caused by social phobia.

I wish they knew more about the disease back then cause it probably might of made my life a bit easier but hey not so many migraines anymore because I am no longer in school/work or any stressful situations that cause them.

I live a very boring life now. But it sure beats vomitting 10 times in one night once a week.


Topamax is a great drug to prevent migraines (don't know about headaches) and Advil Liquid gels work great for treating migraines or headaches.


I had one today and my shoulders were hurting, but thankfully my son massaged my shoulders when I got home and I feel better. Excedrin tension headache helps, but I didn't have any. Its been kinda stressful at work, I work in a call center and had some rude people calls today... you'd all just love my job, its so fun sometimes! People calling all rude as soon as you say your opening, yeah fun times.... I'm also a massage therapist, if you guys are getting headaches because of anxiety or stress, massages help. If your not comfortable going to a therapist and undressing and getting one on a table (although they do drape), you can probably find one who does fully clothed chair massages at your local whole foods store, they usually charge about $1 a min... well here in Colorado they do, and you can do 10 mins or whatever, but it helps. oh and they don't do it out in front of everyone like they do at the mall. I got one that way one time and felt like everyone was watching... I still have my shy moments at times.
I had headaches every day from the time I was around 13 until I was about 21... some were migraines, some were just a slight nagging, and everything in between. I tried numerous migraine medications, even had practically everything checked out by a neurologist when I was 19 or 20 (physically, at least). No one ever considered that I might have anxiety or depression- I'm pretty sure that's why I was having them... perhaps combined with hormones from puberty/adolescence.
okay I head sever headaches for three months. from the moment till I awake to the moment till I fall asleep.. I was sure I had a tumor.. had a cat scan.. NOTHING.. after that I lost many of my ocd habits.. maybe ur headaches are a way of processing the stuff that happens in ur life,. normal teens have them, let alone us freaks :p it could also be hypochondria.. if it is hypochondria take a cat scan or something. u'll see it's nothing and then they will go away soon.. or as I said ur brain processing thew s*** were going threw..


Well-known member
Yep, I get tension ones in certain parts of the head and face, which is probably due to anxiety or stress, because I usually get them after going through that.


Well-known member
Argh, those darn headaches! :) Yep, i get them too each day. I mentioned this to the therapist i see and she said it's related to stress. I just take a couple of extra strong paracetamol, and put something cold on my head, or relax and have a nice bath. :D

EDIT: Also, i have a facial/head massage, vibrating thingymajiggy from Avon. It does help, might be worth looking into?
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I got really bad migraines in high school. I took feverfew (an herbal supplement, you can get them at Wal-Mart or GNC) and it seemed to help a bit. Drinking a lot of water helped as well, as did drinking herbal tea (not with caffeine, caffeine makes headaches worse).

Headaches are the worst, I hope you feel better soon.


Well-known member
I get horrible migraines all the time. I take two or three extra strength Excedrin's and it usually kicks them out.


Super Moderator
I have them almost every day. It's annoying. Sometimes I get up feeling like that and doesn't go away. Ugh...


Well-known member
i feel sorry for anyone who gets migraines my brothers wife gets them so bad she sits in a dark room and sometimes crys ... and tablets dont seem to help her that much ..


Well-known member
Count me in. I get a severe migraine atleast once a month that lasts about 3-4 days. So severe sometimes that no medication will help. Such fun to lay still for hours or even days at a time. Sometimes I get headaches every day for a couple months.