Having trouble eating infront of others?


I've always been like that. I get paranoid eating in front of people... male, female, it didn't matter.. I was always uncomfortable eating in public. With me, I think it's just looking funny chewing....


Well-known member
Yesssss LazyHermitCrab & Goldenholds..he is anxious around me no matter what he is doing..its a nonstop thing with us, he does have his good moments though i just don't know what it'll be that i do that day that makes him get this way or when it'll happen to him..so yes its ME i bring this craziness out in him and there's nothing i can do about it apparently :(


Well-known member
Oh my, I have had this problem for so long. It was pretty bad yesterday. I've never had Chinese food, so my boyfriend's roommate insisted that we go out to eat. As soon as I stepped into the Chinese restaurant, I was ridden with fear and anxiety. I could barely eat it without my hand shaking. I just felt like everyone was staring at me. My boyfriend and everyone else at the table poked fun at me because I was playing with my food lol. I couldn't eat it. My hand were shaking too much, I would have spilled it on myself.


Well-known member
I'm terrified I'll look ugly chewing. I'll only eat tiny things that don't require opening one's mouth wide and I'll chew very slowly - but I prefer to just not eat in front of anyone. I always say I feel eating is like brushing your teeth - to be done in private. I only drink with straws coz I feel so awkward sipping directly from a glass or cup. I also fear being heard chewing because I get disgusted when I can hear others chewing.When I was 19 my father persuaded me to try and overcome this, and I went to a restaurant with my family. I ordered soup, thinking that would be easy because no chewing would be required. But just before it was served, my cousin and her friends came into the restaurant.I felt too embarrassed to eat even soup with them sitting at a table facing us. I just sat there refusing to have the soup and my father was furious with me.That was the last time I ever sat at a table with my family.31 years later, I still eat alone except when with my boyfriend. He's so accepting of my hangups, we sit on the floor back-to-back and eat together. Once in a while I'll be in a situation where it's very difficult to get out of eating in front of others, and then I'll eat only soft food that doesn't have to be chewed, and I'll eat it with a teaspoon.


Well-known member
I don't like people to see my face when I am chewing or trying to eat because then I get nervous and become messy/clumsy with it.


Well-known member
Unless its something potentially messy, I don't have a problem with it. I just make sure I've wiped any food from my face when I'm finished.


Well-known member
I only get really self conscious when I'm eating by myself. But since I don't go out much.... :rolleyes:

But I've always been a very neat eater, so getting messy just isn't what I do.



Well-known member
I'm at Husby's, the corner tavern.

It's dollar taco night - I just ordered eight, plus some chips and guacamole.

I plan to eat them while I'm on the forum here.

Please don't watch.

Mythos & Logos

Active member
We've never really done the family dinner thing in my house so I'm not often comfortable sitting around a table having a meal with people. I rarely eat out too


Well-known member
For me the breakfast is a meal I prefer to eat alone. If I eat it even with my parents, I am anxious, because I am thinking of the daily duties and work and therefore I may not say even a word.::(:


Well-known member
Used to have this fear really bad when i was younger. Especially if it was eating alone! But i think years of eating in workplace lunchrooms or mall food courts it just kind of went away. Gotta survive right?


Well-known member
It seems like I should be more anxious while eating in front of people, but it usually doesn't kick in until after.

I can enjoy the food and sometimes it's really tasty and so I just eat and chat and whatever. But then afterward I start to panic and wonder if I was eating like a slob or not. Did I chew with my mouth open? Did I take too big of bites? Was I eating too fast? Why wasn't I paying more attention to what I was doing? Are they totally grossed out by me now? Do they think I am a pig?

and I just worry the rest of the night, trying to think back and remember how I looked while I was eating. I wish I could be more aware of it while I was actually in the act.


Well-known member
I can count on one hand the number of sit down meals I've had with other people over the last 20 years. I'm OK with family, not with people I don't know.
Sometimes. If its people I know, then no. I am fine with going out to eat with people I know. On a date? I would rather not eat for the first few dates, lol. But I guess it all depends on who Im with.

Right now Im thinking about going out by myself for some breakfast... thinking about taking a long my computer, or maybe my sketchbook or notebook and draw or write. I got a lot on my mind, an empty stomach, and some fears to get over.


Well-known member
I'm fine eating in my home infront of people, but since my agoraphobia I feel like i can't eat when im out, whether its at the cinema or in a restaurant, because i feel like im just going to throw it back up. I don't think its cos im scared of eating infront of people i just think its my panic attacks....hmm i might have to work on that tbh cos i wanna go to restaurants so bad :(