Grocery store help`


Active member
SO HUNGEEE running out of food quick, only have speghetti and canned food, but im scared to go to the grocery store cause i never went alone and what should i do?


Desperate time means desperate measure... Do what you have to do to survive man, even if that means going to the grocery store.


Well-known member
Night time grocery shopping? There's usually a lottttt less people there. I actually love going to the grocery store at night 0.o


Active member
I nvr went by myself, so i just feel like id be really awkward pushing around a cart, looking for grocery, and trying to weigh out fruit and stuff.
My best advice. Some grocery stores deliver now, too.

I do this...and I find that I make far better decisions about what I buy (less impulse buys, etc.) plus it's a lot easier to track how much and what you're spending money on.

But, at the same's also good to have to confront your fears and go out as well. Even if it's only because you're at risk to starve. =P (running out of coffee is often my catalyst for getting out)

BTW...I see you're living in MN...are you from Minneapolis/St. Paul?


Active member
i live in Eagan Mn um we got those self check out lines, part of the problem is that i dont want people to see what im buying, and make assumptions about me.


Staff member
Be brave, go for it, you really can do it, remember while you are wont kill you.

agorophobia is a nightmare but challenging it really is the cure

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
Go at night, and if you luck out, maybe they'll have those blessed self-checkout machines.

thats what i was going to say, self-checkout machines are so wonderful. good luck with your grocery store quest, you can do it! its a good exercise to go and keep reminding yourself no one cares what you do or buy.
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in a VAN down by the RIVER
i live in Eagan Mn um we got those self check out lines, part of the problem is that i dont want people to see what im buying, and make assumptions about me.

Ah, I see.

Can you make a list of some things that won't reflect badly on you but are also things you'd like to eat?


Staff member
hey baron do u know any good delivery websites that will just leave it by the door so i dont have to talk.

With that kind of tactic you are making the walls of your prison even smaller, go and use the self checkout tills, you will not need to talk to anyone, the more you go shopping, the easier it will get.


Active member
hmmm i guess ill try to go late at night around like 11pm so people dun think im to weird. Hopefully it will completely empty :p.


Well-known member
Def go when it's not so crowded. It's annoying, even to ppl who don't have SA.

I didn't know what I was doing either when I first got married and had to make menus, grocery lists, go grocery shopping, etc. But it gets easier the more you do it.


Well-known member
I'd also suggest at least trying to go. If you go late enough the store will be empty and others have said use the self checkout if they have it. You might also want to make a list before hand so you don't wander around aimlessly. Alot of stores even have maps so you wouldn't have to ask where anything is.

If you do it once then you'll probably find it gets easier. You'll know what to expect when you go in the future and going once can give a nice confidence boost and sense of accomplishment. I'd stay away from the delivery option as much as possible as it will more then likely become too much of a crutch and it will be that much harder to break out of bad habits.


I used to be really scared about going shopping by myself, but it really does get easier every time you push yourself to go. I used to go into straight panic attacks in stores (especially the mall), but now I'm proud to say I shop by myself all of the time...and I enjoy it now. If I'm having a good day I'll even talk to random strangers and the workers at times. That's good that you went... keep pushing yourself a little, it will get better. :) Be careful with the drinking's easy to become dependant on alcohol to "loosen up"(that's something I wrestled with in high school). It's still great that you went though. Baby steps! :)