"gone with the wind"?
"gone with the wind"?
Sounds like Fight Club to me lol.
it's not "the east", either?
Plenty of scarlet, but cut from a different cloth.
*sigh* that wasn't very helpful...
ok, final guess... "the four feathers"?
"four feathers"?! you're kidding me! i've never seen the original and was only able to sit through about a half-hour of the remake. this whole time i was skipping it because i thought it was in black 'n' white.
"a man takes a gutter to wash in town"? "the big lebowski"!
:lol:no ifs, no ands, no ors, or buts... i think your clue is nucking futs. ::
Nary a Duke, but perhaps a dukedom?"north to alaska".