*Girls* post your pics


Well-known member
dude anyone can have SA. There was a video posted on this site a few weeks ago called Dennis, and it was about this bodybuilder who had serious trouble relating to people. So it can happen to anyone, sexy or not.


Well-known member
gah! Moni is beautifuuuuuul :'(

I knew a Romanian girl when I lived in Florida. Must be something in the water over there that makes you girls turn sexy lol


Well-known member
gah! Moni is beautifuuuuuul :'(

I knew a Romanian girl when I lived in Florida. Must be something in the water over there that makes you girls turn sexy lol

Obv, we've got latin blood :rolleyes:Well, I've no idea what's 'in the water' right here but The Black See sucks:it's black and dirty:)))


Well-known member
Yeah Moni you have gorgeous eyes :)

This is moi right now tadaaaaaaaaaaa
