...randomly come up to you and start talking?? i've often thought about this...say out and about just shopping, in malls etc, i see many attractive girls walking around and i often wonder if any randoms guy willl come up and try to hit on them/strike up a convo. i'm a 28yo guy, considers myself just average, not ugly or overly attractive...i never have any girls forwardly come up to me out the blue and try to strike up a convo..but i wonder if it's different the other way round? i feel society believe its the male's responisblilty to make the first move..but being a shy guy i am i feel restircted to do this...i often have the strong desire to do this, but the fear of rejection will always hold me back. but do guys actually do this?..and if so how common is it?? if it was common i'd feel more comfortable to give it a go... i feel society has moved away from this..random ppl enganging each other on a dialy basis, just see old ppl do this all the time, it was alot different back in their day tho..there was no social networking, or stranger danger for them its natural...i encounter this all the time..old people will just come up to you and start talking..or buying a newspaper etc, will chat to the clerk...never young people seems a taboo thing to all the stranger danger stuff tought to you when you were young nowdays...young people dont just engage each other randomly anymore, like they would in our grandfathers day...its like the only way to meet ppl of the opposite sex is in a nightclub or online dating etc. its so sad...but is this entirely true?...i'm asking the guys still try it?? if a guy comes up and starts trying to chat to you (just an average looking guy) do you think its strange/desperite, that he must be a weirdo who wants to rape you, or what is your mindset exactly?? i find in this day and age its harder to meet people then ever....being me i will always rely on a girl to come up and start to chat with me, which i realise is like trying to baptise a cat.