girls and playing with there hair


Well-known member
Probably something to do with evolution, must've started with amoebas playing with their hair millenia ago.
I've never played with my hair... I guess maybe I've never really "fancied" anyone ::p:

Seriously, I think it's just a nervous thing. And it makes sense that a girl could be nervous around a guy she likes, as well as in other stressful situations.

So Gary, the girls who play with their hair around you either like you... or they're scared to death of you :eek:::p:
not always. I always play with my hair and twiddle it round my fingers even when i dont fancy someone.
If anything when i fancy someone im very quiet and cant be relaxed!

Exactly like me!

But when I´m nervous, i stroke my hair behind my ears, like most girls do.
I think It´s just a natural thing. I also make curls, and touch my hair alot.
It´s just a move that girls to, But I bet some girls like to do it to get attention of boys. Cuz they look more feminine when they do that. Called ´´Female Attraction´´. Okay, I admit I do that too when I like someone ::eek::


Well-known member
I used to play with mine when i was nervous or angry... My hair was really really long (almost to my knees) i got really fed up with it one day i put it up into a pony tail, gave hubby a pair of scissors and made him cut it off..

A lot of people were not very happy lol


Well-known member
I've never played with my hair... I guess maybe I've never really "fancied" anyone ::p:

Seriously, I think it's just a nervous thing. And it makes sense that a girl could be nervous around a guy she likes, as well as in other stressful situations.

So Gary, the girls who play with their hair around you either like you... or they're scared to death of you :eek:::p:

now pants why would they be scared of little old me , im a nice guy ;) and oh um why are you playing with your hair .... you err dont fancy me do you ..... its ok if you do , really im fine with it .... smile , run out of smileys wink


Well-known member
I don't exactly play with my hair, but I sorta grab the side of it/the side of my neck only when I'm nervous. Which I guess could be caused by liking someone, but also general nerves. There's a video of me doing that when I was in fourth grade or something in a class performance.


I play with my hair all the time, but not to flirt with anyone. It's something I picked up when I was a kid, it somehow soothes me, makes me feel safe or something.
I know some people find it annoying so I avoid touching my hair too much outside my home.


Well-known member
I play with my hair all the time, but not to flirt with anyone. It's something I picked up when I was a kid, it somehow soothes me, makes me feel safe or something.
I know some people find it annoying so I avoid touching my hair too much outside my home.

i dont find it annoying looking at girls playing with there hair :) i cant see how that would annoy anyone :confused: so play away lol ... enjoy your hair ;)


Well-known member
Other than constantly tucking it behind my ear I don't touch mine actually. I've seen girls use it in a flirtatious manner but the nervous habit seems to be the most common (and looks less silly).


Well-known member
Other than constantly tucking it behind my ear I don't touch mine actually. I've seen girls use it in a flirtatious manner but the nervous habit seems to be the most common (and looks less silly).

why are you pointing that camara at me seafolly :confused: i charge to have my picture taken :rolleyes: hmmm ok just this once ill allow it ..... smile for the camara gazza :D


Well-known member
I touch my hair when I see a guy that annoys me or gives me the creeps, sorta distraction mechanism.
I actually don't do that when I like a guy. I do have a habit of giggling like a total moron at everything he says though. It's really embarrassing.


Well-known member
now iv always wondered about about this female thing :confused: why do girls when they fancy someone play with there hair , i mean sometimes girls will look at you walk up to you in the pub or whatever , and start a conversation :) then after a few min they will start making lots of eye contact whilst playing with there hair , some just stroke there hair , some just curl there fingers around and around in a circular motion in there hair , is it some nervous thing , or is it an automatic fancy a guy female responce , iv had lots of girls do it to me ,

According to Desmond Morris in The Human Animal ( a must see documentary IMO), it's a grooming gesture. In other words if you are in a bar and she's looking at you and begins playing with her hair she attracted to you.