Getting Laid Before Getting Old


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Getting laid. Granted having sex is nice, yes but just make sure it's with someone you care about or else it's just nothing. Emotional attachment to the person makes it all the more better unless you're just looking for a good f*ck.


Well-known member
I know where your coming from, I used to think the same way. For me, if I didn't have sex by a certain age it was proof to the world that I wasn't worthy. And that age is something that you can't change when you get older, there's no going back, so I wanted to accomplish it before it was too late. Its ironic that some of the people that had sex where thinking the opposite thing, and I didn't realize that then.

It bothered me when I didn't have sex then and now I'm 37 and still have not had sex. And when I watched that movie the 40 year old virgin, I thought I'd have to make it before 40 or I'm just gonna die of embarassment. But strangely it doesn't bother me much anymore. I'm actually kinda glad in a way that I still have that to experience, and that I did avoid alot of the pitfalls that sex can put you in. Any one of which, I can see now, would have been much harder to cope with than being a virgin. For me anyhow. I try not to determine my self worth from the rest of the world these days, I have given myself permission to determine it myself. Something I didn't think I had the right to do before for some silly reason, I waited for the world to do it for me. Wasn't good! Of course I still have to live up to my own expectations, my own code if you will, but I was never one to expect much. lol. Since then alot of things have become much easier to cope with. Funny how such a simple little thing can effect so much.


i was having a conversation about this last night, and i would gladly swap all the sexual relationships ive been in, for a life in the wild. ultimate freedom :)


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i was having a conversation about this last night, and i would gladly swap all the sexual relationships ive been in, for a life in the wild. ultimate freedom :)

I would much rather eat "something" than have something eat me.... :D::p:


Well-known member
Yeah yeah... Okay pops... best get off the soap box before you break a hip! :D

thanks cough ... help me down theres a good chap , weres my walking stick , oh sod it my teeth have fallen out , pick them up for me theres a good chap , oh help me across the rd and dont want to be a pest , but iv forgotten were i live , ring the nursing home but ... i cant remember the number :confused: