Getting Laid Before Getting Old


Well-known member
you need like a "mentor" type person who isn't like a player and will teach you solid tips and challenge you to execute them in say your college atmosphere . If you want just a one night stand just get drunk with a couple of friends and go to parties and keep trying, don't drink and drive and don't become an alcoholic just do it until you get the monkey off your back. The mentor thing would prob be the more healty approach but that's more for like a relationship and the party thing will be a quick fix.


I can understand why many "youths" feel the urge to have sex nowadays as the pressure from peers can be overwhelming as in many instances people have been rejected from groups or by friends simply just because they're still a "virgin". I mean i was young when i lost my virginity, even though i am still young :p but i was definatly not ready for what happened. But in the end Sex isn't something that you should desperatly need, just wait until you personally feel ready with a girl or guy that you like and have feelings for instead of some poxy 1NS that could bite you back on the ass in 9months :p :)



Well-known member
my aix boyfriend said I was farting in bed, May be that's why he left me ... ;)))
