Gamers thread


Well-known member
I've seen some mediocre reviews on this (Biomutant), but I don't care. The gameplay and combat still look great, the characters, character creation, enemy, and environment designs look incredible as well. A game made by a team of about 20 people I don't think is getting enough recognition where it's due. I'd like to pick this up later this year when I'm able to be back to regular gaming again. My fall/winter play list is already growing. 😅



Well-known member
I've seen some mediocre reviews on this (Biomutant), but I don't care. The gameplay and combat still look great, the characters, character creation, enemy, and environment designs look incredible as well. A game made by a team of about 20 people I don't think is getting enough recognition where it's due. I'd like to pick this up later this year when I'm able to be back to regular gaming again. My fall/winter play list is already growing. 😅

As far as i know, ppl mostly complain about the combat being shallow and repetitive, while praising the graphics and art style. I haven't played it yet so i cant tell first hand. Probably as many other titles, it's been a victim of hype, not being up to ppl expectations leads to geting worse score than what it may deserve (tho i don't say it couldn't be better but still).

I'll try it anyway tho i have lots of other titles first 🤪


Well-known member

As a fan of horror in general, i can't express how happy i am to see a Resident evil colab in Dead by daylight! I'm really glad that they're adding videogame's characters and not only movies' ones (which i'm also in love with).

Tbh i play DBD from time to time because of anxiety (which is more related to me than with the game itself), but 99% of the time i have a blast (that 1% due to that kind of people that breaks the game's atmosphere...). Wish i could play with friends (not against them) while being the killer 🔪...or more like "wish i had friends who'd like to play this game in the first place 😩

Nevertheless, great news! i'd like to see Jason (Friday the 13th), a xenomorph (Alien) and someone from Outlast .

I love how this game has become a "Smash bros" for horror 😍

- A nightmare on Elm Street (Freddy Krueger and Quentin Smith)
- Halloween (Michael Myers, Laurie Strode)
- The Chainsaw Massacre (Leatherface)
- Saw (Amanda Young and David Tapp)
- Ash vs Evil dead (Ashley Williams)
- Scream (Ghostface)
- Stranger Things (The demogorgon, Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington)
- Silent Hill (Pyramid Head and Heather/Cheryl Mason)
- Resident Evil ( Nemesis, Leon S. Kennedy and Jill Valentine)

Tho there are other characters that are skins for the already mentioned. Even characters from other media like "Crypt TV".


Well-known member
Would love to post some Warcraft pics in that other thread, some of those graphics are amazing.. but even with resizing it keeps saying file is too large.. I'm tired of being told it's too large!! :LOL:
Screenshot the pic and paste it in paint and save from there, thats usually enough to reduce size a lot