As a fan of horror in general, i can't express how happy i am to see a Resident evil colab in Dead by daylight! I'm really glad that they're adding videogame's characters and not only movies' ones (which i'm also in love with).
Tbh i play DBD from time to time because of anxiety (which is more related to me than with the game itself), but 99% of the time i have a blast (that 1% due to that kind of people that breaks the game's atmosphere...). Wish i could play with friends (not against them) while being the killer

...or more like "wish i had friends who'd like to play this game in the first place
Nevertheless, great news! i'd like to see Jason (Friday the 13th), a xenomorph (Alien) and someone from Outlast .
I love how this game has become a "Smash bros" for horror
- A nightmare on Elm Street (Freddy Krueger and Quentin Smith)
- Halloween (Michael Myers, Laurie Strode)
- The Chainsaw Massacre (Leatherface)
- Saw (Amanda Young and David Tapp)
- Ash vs Evil dead (Ashley Williams)
- Scream (Ghostface)
- Stranger Things (The demogorgon, Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington)
- Silent Hill (Pyramid Head and Heather/Cheryl Mason)
- Resident Evil ( Nemesis, Leon S. Kennedy and Jill Valentine)
Tho there are other characters that are skins for the already mentioned. Even characters from other media like "Crypt TV".