Gamers thread


Well-known member
I played CS for a long time, but got tired of getting my ass kicked lol.
My pc is ****, so I'm not familiar with the latest games.

I've been only playing playstation 2, and I want to play some oldies from ps1.


Well-known member
I played CS for a long time, but got tired of getting my ass kicked lol.
My pc is ****, so I'm not familiar with the latest games.

I've been only playing playstation 2, and I want to play some oldies from ps1.

I've never played on a PS2 as I gave up gaming for about 8 years but medal of honor was always awesome on PS1 when I co-owned it with my housemate. I have a XBox 360 nowadays :D


Well-known member
I can't believe none of you Final Fantasy people didn't mention FFIX or FFX. Those two are the best of the series hands down. They are the only ones that I've replayed multiple times as well.. rofl


Well-known member
ay I'm thinking of buying Final Fantasy 13 on 360. Is it worth buying or should i just rent it?


Well-known member
I can't believe none of you Final Fantasy people didn't mention FFIX or FFX. Those two are the best of the series hands down. They are the only ones that I've replayed multiple times as well.. rofl

FFX is good but I wouldn't say that it's the best, not even the second best.


Well-known member
I've been playing GTA 4 nonstop for the past week. Wanted to beat it again before I bought Episodes from Liberty City . Kinda ticked at the fact it lags out on me even though I am running it on a nice gaming rig. >.< At least I only paid $7 for it.
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Well-known member
Final Fantasy is not appealing to everyone. You gotta enjoy that genre to truly appreciate that series.


Well-known member
Final Fantasy is not appealing to everyone. You gotta enjoy that genre to truly appreciate that series.

I used to own Blue Dragon which is sort of similar I think but couldn't get into it. I like to be able to manoeuvre the PC's if I'm playing an RPG otherwise the game play feels stale and robotic.


Well-known member
As much as I love star wars, I really have to avoid getting into another MMO. Star Wars Galaxies and Lineage 2 took up wayyyy too many hours already. :D
I can't believe none of you Final Fantasy people didn't mention FFIX or FFX. Those two are the best of the series hands down. They are the only ones that I've replayed multiple times as well.. rofl

I liked IX and X.

IX is probably the most underrated FF game ever. A lot of people really didn't get a chance to play it because of the release of PS2 back then.
speaking of emulators^^

I'm currently playing Resident Evil 1-3 on PSXE emulator and need tips on slightly enhancing the graphics.

any info will be appreciated.