Gamers thread


Well-known member
skyrim or saints row 3, I shouldn't even buy one of them cause I don't have money, but I need to at least get one. I want both badly


Well-known member
Going to sleep early tonight. Then tomorrow night, Skyrim midnight release. I'm gonna be glued to my 360 for my entire four day weekend. :)


skyrim or saints row 3, I shouldn't even buy one of them cause I don't have money, but I need to at least get one. I want both badly

part of me is like skyrim! epic rpg awesomeness! and part of me is like saints row! did you see the explosions and the bullets and shaundi's new look?!

i'll probably go with skyrim...and i'll probably whine about it for a month or 2 till i can get saints row...:cool:


Well-known member
Skyrim looks amazing, but if I get it there's a good chance I won't leave my house for an indefinite amount of time.

Skyrim or sunlight? Oh the choices...


Well-known member
I haven't played anything in a while, but with skyrim and saints row 3 coming out super soon, I'm gonna have a hard time fitting in time for school.


Well-known member
Come to think of it, I shouldn't buy any of them, I have 3 exams, 1 oral, 1 essay for next week. I shouldn't waste my time on games until I have free time


Well-known member
got Skyrim in the mail today. The preload is done.

The premium map is better than I had expected, thick coarse paper. I started out expecting a cloth map, but early unboxing vids showed that it was just paper, so I didn't expect much :)
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Well-known member
oh come on midnight , it's gonna be a long day , maybe i should just knock myself out and be able to play when i wake up


Well-known member
got Skyrim in the mail today. The preload is done.

The premium map is better than I had expected, thick coarse paper. I started out expecting a cloth map, but early unboxing vids showed that it was just paper, so I didn't expect much :)

By the nine divines. :) How did you get it before everyone else?


Well-known member
maybe if i keep staring at it in my steam library it might unlock by itself , must.. concentrate .. hhummmmmm ... ghnneehh ..!!


Well-known member
I'm going to have to look into Skyrim that you're all talking about, is it an online game or something like dragon age origins etc? Think I saw a 20 second clip of it and there was a dragon or something? Seems I'm totally out the loop lol.


Well-known member
I couldn't resist and brought skyrim, I played for 3 hours and it's such a massive improvement over oblivion. I just wish I had more time to play, but too much school work