Gamers thread


Well-known member
I have to say if I wasn't still in my 20s and had somewhat quick reflexes, those quick-button sequences would piss me off. That **** started with Shenmue, which was an awesome, ground-breaking game for Dreamcast that I absolutely loved. But GoW takes it to a stupid level. Why the hell do I have to mash the O button to raise a door or finish off a big foe? The game saves itself because it has a pretty face, great storyline, and satisfying combo moves. The puzzles are sometimes impossible for my low-IQ brain to figure out. Sometimes I get lost and end up backtracking when there was just something breakable in the room I was in, or a ledge I just happened to not see.
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Well-known member
eh... I thought the puzzles were more interesting in the 3rd one. Plus, there's more to do on boss fights other than just button mashing.

the puzzles were far too easy and didn't require one bit of strategy. I thought this game was way too much focus on the button mashing compare to the second one. When it comes to the the boss fight SPOILERS: I liked the fight with posseidon, hades and chronos ( especially that one) and the fight with hercules wasn't so bad, but the rest was really lackluster to me. the last boss was a total joke END OF SPOILERS. except for the gloves all the other weapons felt like a different variation of the blades of exile.

also I know gow isn't really known for it's story but gow3's story was really awful.
I know I sound like i hated the game but I didn't it's just gow is my third favourite franchise so my expectations were through the roof and it didn't deliver for me. Just my opinion


Well-known member
I know gow isn't really known for it's story

um, what? This is the main reason why I play through GoW series...if it weren't for the greek god storyline about the mortal who called for God of War's help when he was about to die and then was forced to obey him and kill his own family and everyone else which led to him killing Aries to become the new God of War and then he went after Zeus etc, I wouldn't give a ****.
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Well-known member
um, what? This is the main reason why I play through GoW series...if it weren't for the greek god storyline, I couldn't give a ****.

well personally i find it has a great atmosphere, the story isn't bad but it's nothing to brag about. it's still interesting and i like kratos rage lol
i'm a very harsh critic lol


Well at least it doesn't have one of those stories that leaves you confused as hell like Alan Wake. I still dont know whats going on in the game lol.


Well-known member
Well at least it doesn't have one of those stories that leaves you confused as hell like Alan Wake. I still dont know whats going on in the game lol.

I never played it, don't own a 360. I doubt i'll ever buy one, I know i'm missing on a few good games but i can't justified the buying one. I have to admit deep down inside of me I want to play dance central on kinect ::eek::


I never played it, don't own a 360. I doubt i'll ever buy one, I know i'm missing on a few good games but i can't justified the buying one. I have to admit deep down inside of me I want to play dance central on kinect ::eek::

Haha I think I would be too scared to play that game, unless in private. :rolleyes:


If anyone is on Steam and doesn't mind another friend add me, I'm Jneal25 on there.


Currently playing PS3 only.

I have loved God of War since the first one came out (even wrote a gaming article about it in my high school paper back in the day. A little lame haha)

I've been playing GOW 3 but I don't consider the game beaten until I can win the hardest version. No cheats. Does anyone else do that?

Another game I'm playing is Red Dead Redemption. I usually think the Wild West is just hicksville central. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find the storyline and graphics were so intricate. Every single "real life" action detail was accounted for. Awesomeness.

I'm a Call of Duty noob.

That is all.

Haha I was happy to beat that game on normal.

I've heard nothing but good things about Red Dead. I got it but haven't played it yet. Though I have heard people complain about getting mauled in random cougar attacks.


Well-known member
I was addicted to Red Dead for a solid month. I was engrossed in the atmosphere, felt like I was in the Old West every time I booted it up. What an amazing game...I should replay it sometime, or purchase the Undead DLC for it.

God of War on the hardest setting would be impossible. I'm having trouble right now in one area of GoW2 on Normal. I must suck at the game. I'm impatient. I buttonmash like crazy when the game throws 50000000 bad guys at you all at once.


^ That was pretty much my strategy. Swing wildly in all directions until the bad guys stopped moving lol.


I've been playing GOW 3 but I don't consider the game beaten until I can win the hardest version. No cheats. Does anyone else do that?

With some games yeah! I think some game really come into their element on higher difficulties. Like Call of duty for me becomes a lot better when you have it on the hardest setting, you have to use cover and think a little more.

And games where you can be tactical like Dragon Age, on hard it becomes really important to plan ahead and do crowd control with your mage and tank with your warrior ect .But also some games feel slightly cheap on the harder settings, and if that's the case I end up getting frustrated.


Well-known member
Hm, DC Universe comes out tommorow for PS3 and PC. I've hardly heard anything about it, but i think there might be a monthly fee. I can't imagine why they'd do that.


Well-known member
I had the same problem with gta 4 that i had with red dead redemption. I remember i was hyped beyond belief for that. I loved the storyline, the characters, the setting, the graphics, the music but I had a problem with gameplay. The few first hours I was having a blast but then it hit me like it did in gta 4, the missions are repetitive, very repetitive. 95% of the missions require you to shoot a bunch of people, the further you are in the game the more people you have to shoot. I don't need to play a 30+ hour game just to shoot brain dead AI. I still recommend the game to everyone since there is a lot of great stuff about it, but halfway through the game it get tiresome doing the same stuff over and over again