I started playing through the Monster Hunter Stories 2 demo yesterday. So far I'm having a lot of fun with it, but I also have a lot of gripes with it too. I love the battle animations and the whole battle system and UI. The rock-paper-scissors format is simple, yet with so many decision options -- using kinship points for special attacks between you and your monstie, switch out weapons for different effects, take a turn to set up or heal, etc. etc. -- it really makes you think what your next step should be like a good strategy game should. The animations are really great, and the different combat styles that occur is also just fantastic. Duels, Head-to-Head, Double Attacks, and Kinship Attacks, there's just so much going on with each battle and I love it. Of course I also love the open world exploration, the colors are great and the variety of monsters and all their little details are also good.
Now for the griping: 1) The story is so far lackluster for me. I just started and I'm already really not captured by it. So your grandfather died and Guardian Ratha left(?) and now there's weird stuff going on with the monsters and they're attacking out of the blue so you, now as a new rider, have to seek out what's going on while battling and collecting eggs along the way. Gee, I can't imagine it couldn't possibly be the fact that we are literally killing members of their species and stealing their eggs to raise as our own right?

I don't know if the story gets better with the full version of the game, but I hope it does. 2) Navirou... Oh, Navirou. What is it with Nintendo-exclusive games having characters whose names start with N-a-v-i that are so annoying? I normally like the cat puns associated with the Felynes in the Monster Hunter Universe, but this little dude takes it way too far and won't even shut up. Again, I'm only playing the demo, but I can imagine he probably gets even more annoying as the game goes on. 3) The framerate. Oh boy does that framerate tank! With all the animations and movement that goes on with a game like this, I would think the game would perform a little bit better. But it is laggy in some areas and with some battles and it definitely shows. Apparently there is a recent patch for the full version that fixes this. I hope it does a pretty good job because the lag is what also screws up some of the button unresponsiveness I think. For example, often times when I'm just cruising along on my monstie and go to collect things as I pass, I will press A. Sometimes it takes, but oftentimes it doesn't and then I have to backtrack and literally stop in front of the item in order to pick it up. I'm not going to want to do this when I'm trying to cruise through an area as fast as possible to avoid battles because I don't feel like fighting, just wanting to explore. 4) Raising monsties could be a bit better. You spend all this time collecting eggs and discovering new species of monsters and raising all sorts of ones to figure out how they work and what works best for you, especially with their primary and secondary abilities and such. However, when you hatch an egg, a cute little baby version of that monster pops out, but then after that hatching animation it's automatically big at lvl 1 and you can ride it as a full grown adult? What? It makes no sense to me, although convenient in a way I suppose. I just wish you could work for it a little bit more. Like, if you raised a monstie with a specific ability you needed to access a certain area in a den or another part of the world, why not make players have to raise them to a certain level to gain access to that ability? Yep, kinda like Pokemon. Even have them stay baby monsties for a little while that were raised at the stables, then get a notification saying "[This monster] has grown a lot! It's ready to add to your party!" Or something like that.
Given all that, this is still a fun game, don't get me wrong. I'm enjoying it a lot. But it's not a game I'm going to find myself coming back to to replay the story all over again. I will probably end up buying the full version of this sometime, just not when it's still $50 - $60 because it definitely isn't worth that much to me.