Not entirely sure, but I'm guessing it would be you and up to 4 of your friends on the same team defending the log cabin versus those players that choose to be evil?
This game looks to be pretty polished actually. I only wish half the new games out there had the same polish.
Sounds as if the 5th player was the Kanadarian demon and could control other creatures. I'd prefer if the bad guys were more than one person tho.
Also, i've seen many people complaining about the game not being a single player horror game with a campaign. I must admit that i've been always more of a "single player" kind, but i've been enjoying some multiplayer games too and they have their charm, even if you dont have a group of friends.
Playing with nice people (random or friends) is fantastic, teamwork satisfaction is something you won't experience the same way while playing with (or against) npcs.
Personally i like when games give you the option to play alone or with other ppl. It's true tho that some games work better in multiplayer while others in single. For example, i love Dead by daylight, but is a very simple game:
- 4 players are survivors: They must activate 5 generators and escape before the killer finds and kills them.
- 1 player is the killer: Must track and kill the survivor before they escape

Single-player would be soporific, what makes it replayable is the randomness of human behavior (as well as each killer's playstyle), each match is different.
To me the real problem with multiplayer is toxic ppl, ragers, cheaters, hackers, etc...But that's on the human side, not the game itself. The same way nice people can make the experience x100 times better.
And obviously there are times when you just want to be alone and enjoy a good game by yourself. As an introvert i know the feeling haha
I'd probably give it a shot although like Wow, I prefer to talk/ chat over txt rather than discord - which would probably be fine with this type of game, whereas if you're raiding in Wow you generally need to use discord
I prefer text too, unless i'm extremely comfortable with those i will be talking to on dicord. I haven't raid much in wow due to me avoiding voice chats

In fact i was more into end game in Final Fantasy XIV, it's community is extremely friendly and i felt so good that i was able to face that fear and not only speak, but speak in english (which is not my first language) with people from europe (german, french, norwegian, etc).
I was able to do it before in SWTOR with an american guild i had (wanted to try EEUU servers since i was sick of spanish ppl after wow). Their leader invited me beacuse he thought i was a very good healer

. One day they were forming a group for a raid and needed one so they proposed me to accompany them, and i was like: fuck it, they're nice so im gonna download teamspeak. I was very proud because i had 2 things against me:
1 My social anxiety/phobia and ApD, which were pretty strong back then.
2 Language, i was scared of not being able to understand them (was the only non english-speaker, well i speak it, but you know what i mean) whether because of my listening skill or their microphone quality (sometimes i dont understand spanish ppl lol). To my surprise i understood everything (except for one of them which in fact was the one i used to play more with lol, we were always fooling around) and they were all great. I remember one of the tanks being a woman whose husband was a dps, and was scared because it was her first time tanking a raid, and i was like: SPEAKING OF BEING SCARED, IM SHAKING, WHAT IF I DONT UNDERSTAND AND WE DIE TO A MECHANIC???
In the end it turned out to be a VERY good experience ^^
On the other hand, i returned to wow for Shadowbringers and had to play on english servers, just logging in a couple of minutes in a spanish one: trade chat = Homophobic, transphobic and misogenous commentaries. They disgust me. I speak of
wow spanish community in general (there are exceptions).
PS: The quality of a multiplayer game is determined by its ppl (to an extent).
Sorry for the long post