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Gen 4 is my second favorite Pokemon series, right behind Gen 2 being my #1 favorite. I hope this is a true port of those two games, with the perks of Platinum worked in there as well. I really, really hope they don't simplify it. Champion Cynthia is a tough one to beat and I loved her challenge back when I played Platinum. I am ready to get my butt kicked again in HD!I'm pretty excited about this. I skipped basically everything after Wii/GBA until the Switch, so I missed a lot of games. Porting the fourth generation will give me a chance to experience it for the first time which will be awesome! (I hope) And that prequel game looks like a new take on the series, which could be a really nice change of pace.
Also pretty excited for the port of LoZ Skyward sword which I missed out for the same reason. I played through Link's awakening which was great on the switch, hopefully the Skyward Sword port holds up as well.
And New Pokemon Snap is hitting me in all the nostalgia spotsI'm pretty sure the first one on the N64 was my first video game ever, so a remake is exciting me greatly. And I'm hoping I can the GF to play it with me too. I've already got her hooked in Animal Crossing, so I figure I figure a cute photography game is a natural next step.
Some good games on the switch to look forward the coming year though, woo!
Honestly I have been pretty disappointed thus far with how Nintendo is treating Zelda's 35th birthday. Like a lot of fans, I was seriously hoping for a similar treatment to what they did for Mario, with a combo port of 3 popular Zelda games, preferably Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Wind Waker. Alas, I feel that's a pipe dream. I hope they make up for it with some updates on, and a possible release date for, BOTW 2!
I think it's funny, I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't really care about Skyward Sword or Snap coming to Switch. I never played Skyward Sword, but I remember not being too impressed by the gameplay videos then and still don't care much now. Not sure if I'll bother giving it a try. I know I'm pretty loyal to the Zelda series as a whole, but there were some games I passed up on and/or didn't like -- Skyward Sword being one of them. As for Snap, I never really got into Pokemon Snap on the N64. It's neat, I don't hate it. But I don't love it either. It's always been kinda "meh" for me. Since it comes out on my birthday this year, a part of me feels like I need to buy it. Just because it's my birthday and it's Pokemon.