So I finally bought the new hot game everyone has been buzzing about - Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Oh, that was three years ago? No one is talking about it anymore? *nods* Well I bought Link's Awakening within a few months of it being released!...Ah, it was a remake of a 25 year old game, so I was not on the cutting edge there either. And my collectors edition for the GameCube? All ports? hmm. Well, surely Link to the Past to the GBA was-!-oh, also a port.
Fortunately Legend of Zelda is not a topical game, or I would not enjoy the series by the sounds of it

And enjoy is the perfect word for Breath of the Wild. It's ridiculous critical acclaim is completely warranted. I have fun ignoring the main plot completely for hours at time and just travelling the giant overworld. So so good.