Been thinking of picking up Pokemon Shield again, with the new DLC coming out in a couple weeks. After seeing the trailer, I have to admit I am really disappointed in The Isle of Armor. It doesn't seem like it's worth it, honestly. I'm not too impressed with the story and I really could care less about having all the G-max stuff, including anything having to do with the starters. (This was the first gen for me where I actually hated all 3 final evolutions for the starters.) And I don't mean to be one of *those* people complaining about graphics, because normally I don't care too much, but my god. The textures of the wild areas are still really bad and hard to look at. You'd think they would've came out with a patch or fixed it by now.
Graphics aside, The Crown Tundra however looks pretty promising. I'll probably end up getting that one.![]()
Oh nice! Yeah don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it too, but I was expecting a little bit more out of it. The whole G-Max and Dynamax plot/storyline really didn't do much for me. I would've much rather had Mega Evolutions back, honestly. Besides that, graphics, final starter evos, and the fact that Hop is one of the most annoying "rivals" to battle against, I did really enjoy Shield. A few things they did get right are that the battle styles are pretty awesome, the wild area and Galar as a whole is really fun to explore, the actual gym leader battles were more challenging than previous gen, I found a lot of the characters to be more likable than previous gens, and cooking curry and the camping is really neat. Oh, and no more wasting move spaces for HMs!I picked up Pokemon Sword over Memorial Day (along with a few others) and and am pleasantly surprised with how much I am enjoying the game. A lot has changed since Pokemon Sapphire though, that's for sure. I've also discovered the easiest way to overlook the graphics is to have not played a Pokemon game since Sapphire![]()
Taking a break from ACNH and Pokemon, I've been in the mood for a good fantasy RPG. Something where you can control multiple members of a party. I downloaded the Trials of Mana demo to try out, to see if I'd like it better than Dragon Quest XI and unfortunately I still feel the same. To my disappointment, it's pretty much the same game, different story. Simple plots and storylines, shallow dialogue, meh.
I have been looking at either Xenoblade Chronicles or Fire Emblem. Not really sure which would peak my interest more after a while. Although there is Octopath Traveler that I could invest in too. I played the demo ages ago and I really enjoyed it.
I was scrolling through the eshop and saw that there's currently an awesome Nintendo sale going on (great timing!) with a lot of games 30 - 50% off or more, so I definitely want to take advantage and get something on there. I also downloaded a bunch of demos to try out, see if there's anything new I'd like. I'm currently going through the demo for Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel. I know literally nothing about this franchise, but seems pretty neat. The battle system style took some getting used to, but I liked it. I like having multiple systems to figure out, it brings a challenge that I enjoy. I'm already almost 2 hours in and the demo isn't done with yet, so that's a plus. I like longer demos as it gives you a better feel for the game, imo.I played through Octopath Traveler after playing the Demo a while ago, and loved it. If you like the Demo, you'll love the full game! Or at least that was the case in my experience. I also picked up Fire Emblem over Memorial Day weekend, and just played for a couple hours to make sure it worked (last time I bought it preowned from gamestop it kept crashing). From what I saw from the little I played is that it seems like it's very story driven, as I feel like I watched more cut scenes than there was actual game play. It could also be the case that now that the table has been set, so to speak, that it will dive deeper into actual game play. My opinion of FE is probably less valuable. Octopath is awesome though, that I can say unequivocally
If Octopath Traveler is on sale, I might consider getting it. It's one of the best turn-based JRPGs I've ever played, and I find its style is very similar to Golden Sun way back on the GBA.
I was doing some random Poke hunting today on Shield while trying to hatch an egg and found myself a shiny Skwovet.![]()
That's cool! The first shiny I ever caught (not counting the red Gyarados in Gen 2) was back on Sapphire on the GBA, it was a shiny Shuppet. I'm pretty sure I still have that game save too.Finding shinys are the best. I was surprised, I found a shiny Purrloin before I even beat the first gym. I'd never caught a shiny pokemon before, so it was pretty cool.![]()