Thank you for the time it would have taken to put together your 2 posts full of info and recommendations, FOAM. I really appreciate the effort.

Okay, so I have discovered after reading your last few posts, that I have the wrong definition of what constitutes a "Horror" movie.
I thought that only these 2 types (from your post).....
"If you like blood and gore: Slasher/splatter."
"If you like the destruction and degeneration of the body : Body horror" the definition of Horror.
Anything outside of those two types from your post, I have been defining as only "a bit scary and suspenseful" movies.
I have seen some of the ones you recommended.....The Sixth Sense, The Others, Silence of the Lambs, The Birds.
So I guess now I should just say that I just don't like horror types that have excessive slasher/splatter/ blood/Gore, destruction or degeneration of the body, then.
I will try some of those recommendations, thank you FOAM. :thumbup:
It's a pleasure Blue, sometimes there's a blurry line between Thrillers and "Pure" horror movies, but i find both to be horror nonetheless. Why excluding one? lol
Both recreate this feeling of heart acceleration. While one toys with your body (movies like Saw make you contract each part of your being lol with that "pain empathy" feeling) the other one does the same with your mind (i've watched "Resurrection" 1999 when i was 13 and that Christ scene has been stucked in my head till now, i'm 27).
There are also blurry lines between what would be considered Psychological horror:
-Some may say movies with mindblowing stories would be under this genre: The 6th sense or Jaccob's ladder
-Others would say this genre is about films whose characters have
psychic problems: Psycho or Shutter island.
I think psychological horror is about being disturbed by that which you cannot see, instead of a physical threat. Psychological H. is not about monsters, gore and blood, is about "What is going on?".
For example in "Resurrection", when i saw the already mentioned scene, my reaction was not a fright, not a jumspcare; i was disturbed, made me wonder "what's wrong with this person, Why would he do such thing?" and that's what scared me.
Of course not every single movie belong to one genre, some Psychological H. movies may include some gore and viceversa. For example:
Alien: Horror
A nightmare on Slem street: Slasher/ Horror
While "Aliens": Horror/action
Braindead: Horror (Very Gory), Comedy
Like "Ash vs Evil dead": Horror, Comedy
The Dead Zone: Psychological
A tale of two sisters/The uninvited (a remake): Psychological
Videodrome: Psychological/Body horror
Coraline: Animated/Horror. (love this movie)
Parasyte: Body Horror/ Anime
Gantz: Gore (some body horror too)/ Action / Anime
Monster: Psychological/ Anime (very good tho it can be very slow)
My previous post was a list to categorize different characters for horror genre (it was not directed to you, but in general) but you gave me an idea. Maybe i should do a list of different horror genres and include the "sub-genre" category in my future posts as well as the old ones :thinking:
I hopei have expressed myself well, cause if explaining psychological horror is already a hard task, imagine doing it on your second language haha.