I have to apologize for the negativity before I write this, and that I've been so negative on this forum and not very helpful. It's been a great place to get things out, and also very difficult practice for admitting to feeling things.
People ask what is wrong when I cry, and I can't answer. No answer seems to explain because I don't even know. It feels deeply rooted in my past. Words cannot give the sense of tragedy I feel any justice, only put me in a fool's light. So I don't cry for fear that other won't understand if they find me. If they don't understand, it would be the greatest disappointment, seeing I've held in these same emotions for a good 10 years now. It's not fair to put the expectation on people to understand. But, It better ****ing mean something outside if it tears me apart inside. But it will never mean as much to the outside world. That's what i'm sure the 'faulty thoughts' tell me, and why I keep it in.
Trying to figure out where this sense of tragedy comes from. It's in who I am Who am I? I don't know. What defines a person? Is it the most vulnerable part of a person? The child that comes out of a person's eyes?
The child I was, was super quiet, and door-mat nice. I was terrified of upsetting people, so I tried to be perfect. Perfect meant quiet, apologize a lot, be hyper aware of my actions, never cause unnecessary pain. Even if somebody is hurting you. I was this super quiet doormat like hyper-generous kid with extreme empathy, but extreme self disregard. My best friend would pull me by my hair around the house and I wouldn't say a word despite the pain. I ALWAYS internalized and that, coupled with my good grades, was WHY I was "the good kid" and liked by my parents.
Push it down push it down push it down, and be the good, quiet, never-makes-a-fuss kid. I never ever spoke up or made a fuss, and that's also why I got the joking name of "the forgotten one". being the middle child who "didn't need any help". She got good grades and was always quiet, so she must be satisfied, right?
I don't remember even having emotions until the age of 13 when my parents divorced and my depression began. Maybe that is normal maturation though. Course I didn't bring it up with anybody. Cry every night till 3AM but wake up the next day like it didn't happen, my family was too torn themselves and i felt like they needed me more so i tried to be there for them..it wasn't the right time to show emotions.
As long as I didn't need help I felt worthy of love. And now I need help desperately,it's built up over a long time and I tried stuffing it back every single way. Now it's at it's top, I admit it. I can't stifle it anymore and I know it. It's at the point where I have so little emotional energy for anybody else because it takes so much to continually reject my own emotions, I feel narcissistic because it's all I am able to focus on, pushing things down. So much so that I can't communicate or socialize because there isn't enough extra energy in the mask i put on.
When I admit it, even in the subtle form of not being in the best mood, or writing this post, I feel unworthy of love. Ashamed. Like I was never the kid that was worthy of that status from not needing help, the person my parents knew me as. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. Help me I need somebody to see me but I'm too scared it will also prove that I was never worth anything all along. Help me I'm scared if I lean on you I'll be taking from you. I can write it but I can't say it. I would feel way too guilty to make somebody feel obligated to care if I were to break down.
My greatest fear is the extreme attention that I need so desperately.
contemplating deletion