Escape's Journal.


Well-known member
Thanks Puma. I really appreciate your posts, especially seeing as I feel extremely unnaturally me but your posts put me back on focus a bit. I agree totally with what you say about drugs adding layers, also about how it is equal to a person under extreme stress. And that while it adds an amount of complication it can also be worth it. This person is a good person, and they are worth it.

Today was equally as difficult as yesterday, if not more-so. I did not do the fasting thing. Although I am still planning to go back to healthy eating/living ASAP. After having a discussion with my mom about how I have changed recently, I have decided to go off of St. John's Wort, as I think I might be having a negative reaction to it (as with all other anti-depressant type things I have ever been on, prozac, zoloft, 5-htp...) I am hoping that this is the case of the self-destructiveness and worthlessness that I feel lately.

I brought up the fact that I am having the urge to push away this friend with him, explained that it didn't have to do with me not liking him as a person but rather me feeling like a burden on his development and life, and he replied with "Maybe it wasn't meant to be". Not what I was expecting... And now I feel like a fool. A very terrified fool, as rejection and abandonment are my biggest fears. Anyways, enough long posts.


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some updates on... my stalemate of a life (at least currently)

Woah careful this turned out way longer and rantier than expected...LONGEST POST AWARD GRANTED!!

I went off of St. John's Wort about 4 days ago. It was definitely causing a negative reaction, I can now see that. I feel a lot less intense about everything, a lot less self harming, and am not craving the urge to destroy my life as much. I can feel things other than shame hate and destruction. Slowly. These last 3 days I didn't feel any withdrawal from it so I'm hoping it doesn't hit suddenly. Last time I went off of St. John's Wort, the 4 days afterwards were the worst!!!! I do feel really ****ty today and actually pretty self harming but not on a "this won't pass omg what is this I have to act on it" level. It could also be because of going on no sleep

Uhh I'm dropping out of school. Again. I'm not happy about it but at the same time it's not important to me. What exactly will I gain if in a month I have passed this class? Or if I pass all of my highschool classes? It's not like my state of mind, or direction, will change. It's not like I'm ready to go to college. I still have to learn about real life before I give a **** about school and doing things just to get them out of the way. It's weird to have this attitude as the kid that was a high acheiver, school-fanatic, thinking success as the most important thing in life for some reason.

[part deleted due to not feeling sure about what I said?]

I know who I am and see that I've lost touch completely, I know where I have to go and it's back to nature, positivity, healthy habits, and creating dreams that I can believe in again. How the hell did I let one person get me so off track?
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Well-known member
This friendship you had from this guy seems a little one-sided. You said that everything he asked or did was about him, like asking if you were okay, but I see that as a cry for help. He's not okay and he wants to talk about it. Either way, it does seem like he's been using you and the more you distance yourself from him, the better it'll be.

I'm sorry you feel so hopeless. I don't do much rather than internet and music myself, so I know where you're coming from. Knowing that, I don't really have any answers. I do hope you can find some meaning, though.


Well-known member
some days I feel like an extravert and today was one of them. It will take me time to warm up to being around a person or a group of people and at first take energy out of me, but if I'm able to be genuinely comfortable, it's extremely disappointing to leave them because I leave with more social energy than I came with, and I truly hate to be away from people. I feel i'm naturally an extravert, but an extravert with fatigue so that I become an introvert, unable to maintain the energy for communication

conclusion on the st. john's wort, it WAS a negative reaction, even during my last post I was still going through the reaction. Now it is over and I forgot how good it feels to not being ****ed up by a drug. Don't care if it's "natural", if it works like a drug it's a drug

Also apparently I'm an idealist. I see things as what they would be ideally and not what they are. I don't know what that means ((good or bad?)) but I feel like that is seeing clearly... at the same time it leads to a lot of disappointment upon constant reminders that things are not. Figured i'd throw that out there seeing i'm really bored and have nobody to talk to so i'll just type away blahblahblasldjfalds
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Well-known member
This makes me so joyful and yet so tearful. So beautiful of a video!
gravity - YouTube

I left home when I was seventeen
I just grew tired of falling down
And I'm sure I was told
The allure of the road
Would be all I found

And all the answers that I started with
Turned out questions in the end
So years roll on by
And just like the sky
The road never ends

And the people who love me still ask me
When are you coming back to town
And I answer quite frankly
When they stop building roads
And all God needs is gravity to hold me down

And the people who love me still ask me
When are you coming back to town
And I answer quite frankly
When they stop building roads
And there ain't no more highways to be found
And I answer quite frankly
When they stop building roads
And all God needs is gravity to hold me down

..Just thought I'd spam ya'll with that..


Well-known member
I had a very interesting conversation with my mom about energy draining being around other people.

Basically, I am realizing that energy is drained from me when I am with people who I let take so much energy from me that I cannot connect to the tranquility of my own feelings. I am very sensitive to the energy demands of others..

What does it take for you to re-energize after socializing?

For me, it's connecting to Beauty. What I mean in this, is that it is very important for me to feel connected to what people call "God" (you know, that beautiful energy that shines through in music, or in nature, I am not christian and I don't believe in god but I believe in that energy.) If ever I feel distanced from this energy, my energy is not being built up but rather used up. Think of a plant. It's either in the process of growth, or the process of self preservation from death, using it's own energy. It needs to be in the sunlight for a long amount of time, connected to the source energy (some people call god) to be in a process of growth and LIFE.. If it is disconnected from the source energy for a period of time, it has stored a bit of reserve to continue on growing on it's own, but that storage is limited and it quickly switches over to the state of wilting/dying, not growing.

This brings me to, how do I feel comfortable with people and at the same time maintain my energy level? Well, it might be different for you all, but for me, to have consistent energy I need to be connected to tranquility/soul/god whatever, and to feelings which, conveniently, seem to only come out around said tranquility/soul/god/whatever. So this means that I have to find friends who place the same importance on connecting to this source.

Those who take notice of the beauty in their environment and can connect to it in the presence of me. Those who can feel openly. Those who are able to be quiet, as if they were alone, around me. Those who don't feel pressured to act like I'm there sometimes. Those who give importance to similar things..

One other factors comes down to this. Sometimes, people's thoughts go in different directions, and sometimes it's energy-draining to follow somebody elses direction if they go in that direction rather than equally into your thought direction. The ability to come and go throughout the day, join you or wander off and do their own thing, tends to be important in this factor. Also, the ability to have enough energy reserve to enjoy another direction, like one would enjoy a good hike if they had the strength but be in pain if they didn't...

End note, I realize this kind of connection, where I'm able to maintain my energy and thus feel comfortable and not have to "Recharge" with solitude and isolation is extremely important to me, and is what I seem to be looking for in a commune.

Also let it be noted that while this is important, I'm able to build up my 'energy storage' remarkably depending on how well I take care of my health. And the more energy storage I have, the less desperate this need is for extreme measures to find this (going off to somplace for example). But that doesn't overlook the fact that these kinds of connections are important to me. Also I don't have to go off someplace to find this.

Can you connect to god/beauty/tranquility in the presence of other people? One place this has come from in our history is our family. Also, did you know tranquility is a value? I once took a "what are your core values" test at my job program a year ago, and tranquility was in my top 3, as well as safety.
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Well-known member
That's good that you can connect with nature to relax and unwind once your energy is drained. I think that's really beautiful.

For me it's much simpler. Not being around people in any capacity helps me regain my energy for more companionship.


Well-known member
Why.. why the hell did I get so attached to somebody who is not even invested in saving themself. Every time I am with them, or they show me a song, I just think.... This is the song I'll be listening to when they're dead and I miss them.... Or... This memory will be so precious when they're not there anymore..... :'( Why does such a special person have to be the victim of such a hard life, and such a hard habit... It's just not fair. I don't want to lose this person but I see no future for them... If they don't want to save themselves I can't save them. I know there will come a point, whether in a few months, years, or decades (if they live through that much drug abuse) that It will be worth my friendship more to leave them and be a negative part of their addiction, a part that adds to their motivation to quit, than to stay with them through their abuse.

It would hurt so much to lose this person.... They seem so similar to my father, except that I never had much of a connection to him... One of the closest connections I've had.... But I know what I will have to do... I won't take him dying on me or losing his soul to his addiction, and believing that he can help me but not be worth his own help, NO. That means nothing to me. I am mad that he lets me put myself through this but angrier that he puts himself through all of this without knowing anything else, even angrier that his family introduced him to such a life. Damnit.
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Well-known member
Do you feel you've done all you can to help this person through their drug addiction? Furthermore, do you think it's time to abandon ship before you get too hurt?

Just trying to get a gauge on what you're saying there.


Well-known member
I can't tell if it's the right time or not.... I think I have to get him to open up to me a bit more, so that he has invested all of himself, before I tell him and pull away. It has to me the most painful moment, in order to give him the most inspiration to quit.... As sad as that is. I don't think it's quite there yet, I mean he has only known me for 3-4 months. I have to be... as close to him as himself, so that I can mock the act of him losing himself, for him to realize the impact of his addiction, IMO.... I think... I don't know, but I'm going to see if there is some group around here for the coping loved ones of addicts.


Well-known member
I hope something good comes out of it. It must be difficult having to deal with a drug addict.


Well-known member
I can't tell if it's the right time or not.... I think I have to get him to open up to me a bit more, so that he has invested all of himself, before I tell him and pull away. It has to me the most painful moment, in order to give him the most inspiration to quit.... As sad as that is. I don't think it's quite there yet, I mean he has only known me for 3-4 months. I have to be... as close to him as himself, so that I can mock the act of him losing himself, for him to realize the impact of his addiction, IMO.... I think... I don't know, but I'm going to see if there is some group around here for the coping loved ones of addicts.

Good luck with it Escape. Also try to take care of yourself too.


Well-known member
Thank you guys. I appreciate each and every reply deeply. Also, I will make sure to take notice of myself, it's easy to forget. <3


Well-known member
Thank you guys. I appreciate each and every reply deeply. Also, I will make sure to take notice of myself, it's easy to forget. <3
I wasn't much help, but you're welcome all the same. And yeah, I agree with you and Srijita that you must look after yourself as well as assisting your friend when you can.


Well-known member
it's not the advice that matters, it's the intention. The intention behind the fact that you reply to so many people who are in need is more helpful than any advice that you may have in that head of yours.


Well-known member
it's not the advice that matters, it's the intention. The intention behind the fact that you reply to so many people who are in need is more helpful than any advice that you may have in that head of yours.
I agree. I really love how you always want to help everyone Mikey. You're definitely one of the most wonderful people here and of course you too Escape.


Well-known member
I'm addicted to kratom. Woops. I didn't realize that was possible. But I realize it today, and that all of the symptoms I have been having over the last 2 months are due to semi-regular and increasing kratom use. Mainly the total lack motivation and really extreme fatigue/drowsiness, apathy, irritability and aggressiveness, some of the insomnia. It has pretty much taken control of my mood and body without me even realizing it! These symptoms came on so slowly over the course of 3 months. Now when I'm without it, I am in a state of withdrawal, the fatigue/apathy/depression and even anxiety are enormous for the first few days, and there is also some things like always being cold, headache, feeling flu like, muscle aches and pains, insomnia, nightmares... And I have to take kratom to feel normal! Actually scratch that, don't even feel as good as normal, just feel the same horrible withdrawal but i'm energized... Energy without motivation, apathetic but with endorphins. Don't even get the original effects, just feel normal. Nope did not expect this at all. I will be getting off this stuff. Can't wait to feel naturally energized again. Even though I did just take a small amount a minute ago because the withdrawal was harsh, and I felt really anxious to meet a new counselor in the next hour... I plan to taper. I feel bad for recommending this stuff to friends and the like without realizing it had a physical-reliance-factor, every resource I've looked at has said that it does not. So much for that! Before it was easy to go a week without it. Now it's very difficult to just take 2 days off

For those who don't know, kratom is a legal something-or-other(??? lol) that acts on the opiate receptors of the brain while acting as a stimulant at the same time, it feels like coffee without the jitters plus a few vicodin, but tolerance builds so quickly that it is impossible to overdose or even for to ever feel as strong as vicodin.
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Well-known member
At least you realised that you got addicted to it. These sorts of things can creep up on a person without even knowing it. I hope you are able to wean yourself off it.


Well-known member
I do too, Mikey. It's actually not that difficult, thank god, it's not actually the kind of thing that can be craved physically, only missed.

Onto a whole new journey of healing here, I can tell that it's started. I sought out a new counselor, looking for one that would seem right. All the signs tell me this is the exact person I was meant to move onto learning from. There were so many hints, it's mind boggling.

I saw her for the first time yesterday, and she is VERY in touch with her emotions, very nurturing, very soft talking, calls me things like "beautiful little girl inside" (talking to my inner child), has the same beliefs as me, believes deeply in healing the inner child and such. How intense her love for everybody is, and how she conveys it, scares me, more than I could ever imagine. I've always been afraid of counselors and emotions, but I thought I was getting over it. The way that this person puts all attention on me, and tries to get so close to me so fast in the way that she speaks, and loses herself in the emotions of love/care/nurturing, makes me want to run away and vomit. So I KNOW that I have not improved as much as I thought I did, and I am definitely as scared as emotions as ever, the difference is that I understand now where she comes from and I am... willing to walk into that room again to work on it.

I can honestly say that session was one of the scariest moments in my life. And I realize that it's going to get scarier, because I'm going to have to be the one speaking like this one day. Saying nice things about myself, and losing control to my emotions.

My homework from this counselor, i'm supposed to find a picture of me at 4 years old or under, and say things like "I'll protect you" "i love you" "I'm here for you" "i'll speak for you", etc. This.. I can't explain how hard this will be. It won't be so hard in private, but in public.. in front of her, it will be .... Oh my god.

She also said some things, like that our inner self (the child self, if you've been stunted like I have and ignoring that part of yourself) only has two things that it says: "I am" and "I want". I actually agree. It's true. And then it's up to the adult part of me to say "I will".

The little hints that let me know that this was the exact right moment for this counselor, I heard in the background chopin, tristesse, the piano song that I love so much, the only chopin song that I know and the first piano song I have come to love! Also, her theories were the exact same counclusions and mental-images that I had already instilled in myself... For instance, seeing bad habits as a worm/parasite/or virus, same image I had come to... And I also, about a year ago, would say the same things to my child self (positive affirmations), I was pretty much doing the same things she is telling me to, and I always knew that's what worked the best (but was also the hardest.... Do you know how hard it is to hug yourself and talk to yourself like a little innocent child and say "you are loved"? LOL ITS EMBARRASSING...)

Anyways... I was so scared yesterday that I actually considered whether or not I want to get better, or whether I'd rather just stay in computer addiction, be unable to connect to others and myself, and never be free. I couldn't make up my mind whether I wanted to go through this fear. But I DO. And I now that, the amount of resistance I feel, means there is the great pay-off I have been waiting for, and that this direction and person really have been put here for me to finally break this barrier that I have been staring at alone for so long. I don't want to be scared of emotions anymore. I don't want to be scared of being out of control anymore. And mostly I don't want to be scared to feel what a real, deep, emotional connection with another human being, or with myself, feels like.

Lastly, I think I am scared of this because I've never had anybody talk to me this way. My parents were not the nurturing kind, they were very closed off. Secondly I am scared to be like my mother. My mother is very easily controlled by her emotions, and in the past, as a child, it embarrassed me, and made me feel VERY neglected at times. Especially during the hard parts of her life, she was consumed for years. I still harbour resentment for her because of this, as sick as that is, because I felt abandoned. I feel like if I am to fully be who I am inside, emotions and all, I would be abandoning myself, and everybody else, and also I would be embarrassed the same way she embarrassed me, too vulnerable. I would be sucked into this uncontrollable state and never able to come out of it again, never able to take care of myself again, it would mean complete weakness and everything that turned my life from safety > fear and loneliness when I was 13. I'm really scared to become that, but I know that it's the path I must go through to finally feel free, and that all deep negative emotions in the face of self-improvement have a pay off that is equally as overwhelmingly positive..