An Important Day
It sounds Spanish

To me at least.
Today I hung out with my best friend from 3 years ago and also another old friend from 3 years ago, the high-school days.
It is a little bit touchy seeing as after I pushed these people away or they pushed me away, I was completely alone, resentful, and that is where most of my growth spurred from. All of this time I thought I have made no improvement, but hanging out with these 2 people has shown me just how much I have grown. A LOT!!!!!!!!!!
It is amazing how I am now able to realize how much my connections with people have developed compared to then. Seeing these people, it felt like a whole different kind of connection than what I have with the few friends I have. It felt shallow, judgmental, un-authentic, more-so it felt like these people did not know themselves and that was the reason they are unable to see these things. I had to practice holding back my thoughts because I felt I would be judged if I am to be authentic. This was surprisingly a very new feeling for me because the few friends I have now I share all of my thoughts with and can be who-ever I really am with. There is no judgment at all to it.
The best way I can describe it is like this. Let's pretend we're back in the tribal days...for some reason. The connection with these old friends felt like they were taking a break from their tribe to visit the "other" tribe (which i'm apart of), because I'm not one of them they have to be on guard and put a wall up seeing as this is still an "other", like I am not on their 'team'... for the purpose of visitation only. If that makes any sense. It felt impossible to find their true selves and talk to those, and felt like when I did it was met with a lack of understanding, passed off very quickly and met with an "oohhh-kay then" and a switch of a topic.
This is not how real people are.... Real people, how do they cover up who they are and use socialization only as a means of escape rather than support? I feel as if these feelings come from a lack of self-understanding and unconditional love and a lack of appreciation of others. I watched a lecture once on authenticity and how to be authentic, and one thing that stuck with me is "Authenticity is just showing up". Take that on a physical level, showing up to a physical location despite any imperfections, and also on a deeper level, showing your truth and your soul despite fear of judgment.
I realize that, while I asked them TONS of questions about their life, they did not ask me a SINGLE ONE! Whaaaat? ? ? (EDIT: I just realized one of them did still ask if I have cats!) They actually know nothing about me. They were not interested at all. I am not offended but rather I do not understand, as I am very interested in knowing how they have progressed through life. It reminds me a lot of some members of my family that do not show interest in my life but rather use me as a person to get things out to. It makes me realize how important it is to have friends know the importance of listening and trying to connect on a soul-level.
I know one of the friends I hung out with today has a very supportive, understanding side, her sister has anxiety too and she was very caring when I first told her so many years ago. I think that I can eventually connect to that side of her, but being who I am today with the very authentic friends that I have, that side of her doesn't seem as strong as I once though.
I see that I have done a LOT of growing in the last 3 years despite thinking I have been wasting my life. I am not jealous of their positions in college or the workplace, instead I walk away relieved at the progress I have made, how well I know myself and what I need to be satisfied by life, what is important and how to get it. I sit here so thankful for my path through life these last 3 years and all that they have made me. This came from hardship, awareness, and dedication to always be better for it. And also I sit here now with the confirmation of what one of my friends once said, avoidance and anxiety may come from not being one's truth in the presence of another and finding shame and disconnection from that.
My goal these last few months has been to become as authentic as possible with everybody, so I am actually hoping to see these 2 on and off almost as practice to be authentic around people who are not used to it, to see where it takes any kind of bond and to learn to appreciate all kinds
Lessons of the Day:
1. Growth is hard to measure unless you go back.
2. Authenticity and taking the gaurd all the way down is the way out of loneliness and low self confidence.
3. Go back to the physical places of the past to get over them. They are not as glamorous as when you are mourning their loss
4. Hard times in life can give you the world through the ways that they build you up and improve your future.
5. Self improvement is the most important thing, more important to life than college, or a job, you are NOT missing out, you are NOT going nowhere
6. I love my life's direction.