I think i was emotionally abused in my last relationship i was also physically abused.
Anyways my ex used to start of with the snide remarks about my weight which lead to him calling me fat every day, he made me not see any of friends, delete all my guy friends, would tell me if i ever talked/texted a guy friend he'd kill me.
He would tell me that im damaged goods (hence my nickname on here) and no one would be happy to have me after he broke up with me so i should be lucky to have him because hes the special one in our relationship.
Regarding my agoraphobia he would call me nutty, loony, crazy, mental etc
I stuck being with him for a year, and i know how hard it is because you want to get out of the relationship so so bad but i was relying on him so i couldnt do it.
Thank goodness he broke up with me because since then i feel so good about myself.
Glad to hear you are not with this prick anymore.
Ha i think everyone is, i only came clear to my mum the other week about it all and she noticed how controlling he was.
He still does try to control me by texting me but i ordered a new sim card last week so i can move on even more![]()
May his arse itch and may his arms be to short
Glad to hear that
May his arse itch and may his arms be to short
well, does he lift you up or put you down? if he puts you down, makes you feel bad about yourself, makes you feel guilty if you're with other people, isolates you, plays mind games... that's pretty much emotional abuse.
I don't understand how some girls can put up with emotional abuse... are some girls so needy? I don't know... All I know is that I would NEVER let ANYONE abuse me, in any sort of way. It's something that I'd rather die fighting than have to put up with again (the reason I have social anxiety). There's nothing worse than having SA for me, so I'm not willing to put up with things that are the cause of it.
I don't think its got anything to do with being attracted to strong personalities but yeah i guess needy has a little bit to do with it.
I mean i developed agoraphobia within a month of being with my ex bf and i was scared and had no clue what was going on with me. Then a few months down the line he was more horrible and even though i could see this i had no one to turn to with my agoraphobia as no one understood.
So as much as i wanted to break up with him, i couldn't because your so scared to be even more alone as you rely on him going out.
mmmmm, maybe its that being with those people gives one a subconscious excuse to not socialize or to not do whatever they are deeply afraid of because they are in a relationship which consumes their time instead. idk just rambling.....
Emotional abuse can be overt or underhanded. It can be manipulation, knowing the right thing to say that pushes your buttons and make you feel worthless or inferior, use of sarcasm, or remarks with contempt. It can be blackmail as well. Underlying most of that is a control freak or someone with such low self esteem they have to maintain superiority and power over the other. There is a power imbalance in most relationships, one often relies a bit more or loves a bit more, it is not necessarily wrong unless the one with the upper hand abuses it.