Don't you hate it when...

Don't you hate it when roadworks are being done outside or near your house, for days on end. Their RIDICULOUSLY loud noises dominate the earspace from "dusk till dawn", with barely any breaks. It's made even worse by being housebound, sensitive to noises & unable to go away from the noises anywhere for any even small amount of time. Stuck in hell, is what it amounts to.


Don't you hate it when you only get five hours of sleep? I'm reminiscing back to the days before I had a job. I'm playing for lottery today ...maybe I'll win the jackpot and never have to work again


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Don't ye hate hate it when you walking into a room and then immediately forget why you enter said room? :eek:h: :eek:mg:


Well-known member
Don't you hate it when you get in the shortest line at the grocery store but the person in front of you starts arguing with the cashier over the price of something so you end up taking much longer getting your stuff checked out than all the other lines?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Don't you hate it when... someone, who says they love you, decides to treat you like shit for absolutely no reason. :sad:
Don't you hate it when... the very rare situation in which you have the time, opportunity, mindfulness, and some tiny confidence to flirt, with somebody you really like, you get absolutely nothing back.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
Don't you hate it when... the very rare situation in which you have the time, opportunity, mindfulness, and some tiny confidence to flirt, with somebody you really like, you get absolutely nothing back.

It's been so long I can't remember.

In all seriousness, at least you gave it a shot, a girl would have to be in my lap before I would flirt. :D
In all seriousness, at least you gave it a shot, a girl would have to be in my lap before I would flirt. :D

I've had 2 situations in the past (at high school), where the girl forced herself onto my lap, and yet i was too embarassed/sth to flirt even then (there were others around). I've also had situations where i had the "ok" to kiss a girl, or chat-up, but never did anything. I'm just a chronic loser with flirting & women. I think maybe i "choose" the wrong situations in which to flirt or not flirt. For instance, grabbing a random woman's *** in a pub while dancing, is a "wrong situation" (i got given the finger). Can't win. :idontknow:

The latest one, i just made a flitacious joke, but just perhaps she being my doctor is a factor, or who knows. She did shake my hand twice, but maybe she does it with all her patients? See, again it's the wrong situation.
Don't you hate it when... your anger/temper is not consistent. I wish it could make up it's mind (to be aggro or not), and STICK with it .. not jump around like a jack-in-the-box, or some dr-jekll-mr-hyde character.


Well-known member
Don't you hate it when... your anger/temper is not consistent. I wish it could make up it's mind (to be aggro or not), and STICK with it .. not jump around like a jack-in-the-box, or some dr-jekll-mr-hyde character.
Speaking of which, that reminds me of that sketch from Monty Python "the man who is alternately rude and polite" lol...ditto on your post, only with me I would say it's my courage that comes and goes.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Don't you hate it when... something seems to going fine, then something happens and things suddenly start going downhill rapidly. And all the progress ye made has been for nothing. :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
Don't you hate it when...the last customer to use a public restroom before you doesn't have the decency to clean up after themselves before they leave.


dont you hate it when you have to leave Thedas/turn off the ps4 and go out into the real world on a monday at like 4am so you can get to work on time


Well-known member
When the ignorance and anger of strangers in an ugly town, prevent you from grieving in peace.