Don't waste your life


Well-known member
I'm 33, very close to 34 and only now have I realized how much I really lost out on youth and life. When I was around 24 I decided to turn my life around from being super shy and phobic to being positive. I flirted with girls, made myself a little less shy, etc. Basically lived my late 20s decently. I found a girlfriend and stayed with her all this time. I made incredible progress, there's no doubt. First girlfriend at 25, that's insane. That's how horribly shy I was. But I settled and had fun. It was decent, but I didn't try for more.

Lately I realized it wasn't enough. In an attempt to further my career, I've been learning how to stop my shyness and try to be more outgoing. I've learned just a tiny bit of stuff. Man, lemme tell ya, if only I had been like this when I was younger. I am not afraid to tell women I think they're pretty or give compliments or try to talk to them (or men for that matter, just to try bonding with people better) and try to keep conversations moving well, etc. I'm starting to look around and see all these people and they are all interesting. I'm starting to see all these beautiful women who would give me the time of day and more if I wanted.

Yeah, I still have a girlfriend but I latched right onto the first one I got because I was so shy when I was younger. At the time I even admitted she wasn't exactly what I had hoped for, but I let it be because I was afraid it wouldn't happen again. When I "solved" the problem of love I just stagnated and did not grow. But now I'm growing and I understand why people move around with love so much, how they keep their options open, how they play the field or sow the wild oats or whatever they call it. I do feel like I settled for less. Not that she isn't great, she's beautiful and sweet, but there are some really complicated issues (pretty serious 'deal breaker' type things, nothing frivolous) that came to light recently that give me serious pause with her. And I knew these problems were there but I ignored them. Only now do I notice how I've just been living with it because it's what I did yesterday and I'm just going through the motions. And it's all because I was too shy and didn't have the confidence to do better with my life.

But I'm in my 30s now and that's going to be tougher on me if I ever decide to "start over" and be like one of the cool kids that dates around. I mean, I'm not afraid and I could do it, the problem is all this regret of lost time. I feel dumb for not taking advantage of life when I should have.

I know what you all are thinking, why bother entertaining the idea if you already have someone. But that's the problem, we have no confidence in ourselves. We are afraid of every little thing life wants to throw at us. We latch onto everything we can get if we are "lucky" enough. But all we have to do is learn and grow and there's so much more to life, not only with love and dating but everything else. I also realize I could have been farther along in my career as well if I hadn't held myself back. Don't let yourself get to my position. And definitely don't let yourself get to my age without feeling love (if it's something you actually want, some people don't, I understand that too). Don't lose out on life.


Well-known member
Thanks for posting man. I feel like this (24) and have started doing something about it.

Theres no reason to fear anything so lets get on with life and have a blast for the short time we're here :)


great post man, a real postive thing from you to make us feel like we can do something. Fairplay to ya man best of luck buddy u earned it all :)


Well-known member
That's what I'm scared of. Time goes by, and we just complain and run away from what we might get, just because we are scared.
But I'm trying to change too... I don't want to think "If only I had done..." anymore. I just want to live, but I know I'll have to take lots of risks if I want to move on...


Well-known member
Interesting post I'm around the same agen but my experience was different all through my teens and late 20's I was going to parties, clubs, dating girls, moving up the food chain at work.. and bang now I'm lost, no confidence and stuck with SA and OCD... arhhhh

Great post I was motivated reading it.. I just wish the mind could change that fast...

keep on living life is too short and can stop at anytime as I have found out..


Well-known member
Hey I really like your post :)

I have similar problems where I struggle with break ups because I worry that for someone as shy as me there might not be any future options. You here that whole, plenty more fish in the sea notion...but that doesn't help if you can't talk to the fish!

I recently went back into a relationship with someone I didn't love because he loved me and it seemed a better option than being alone. I've since realised this isn't true.


Easier said than done. Every time I try to rise up I get knocked right back down.

Well pick yourself back up and try again and again and again and again, Never give up, it only makes you stronger to suceeed.


Well-known member
I have no idea on how to becoming "less shy" I just can't seem to talk to anyone. If someone gave me some basic tips I suppose I could improve, I feel very uncomfortable around people, if i keep being around people will i improve or not?


Well-known member
I can pretty much relate to everyone on here. I'm also 24 and never had a girlfriend nor have I never had a real close friend pretty much all my life. I am so tired of crying and feeling all these negative feelings/emotions about myself. Sometimes I feel so lost and I don't know what to do. Your post was very motivational and I do appreciate you for sharing it with us. You just have to live life and live it fully. I envy people who live life fully and wonder what exactly is holding me back. The good news is that I am getting better. It is a slow, agonizing process and it is just something that I just have to go through to get better.


Well-known member
You just have to live life and live it fully. I envy people who live life fully and wonder what exactly is holding me back.

This really frustrates me too...I just want to live my life. I know its short, I know I need to just get on with it!

Why, why, why, why, why, why, why do I care what anyone else thinks of me??


Im on my third run at college. They say third time is a charm so... I am trying my best to improve my life.


Well-known member
I have no idea on how to becoming "less shy" I just can't seem to talk to anyone. If someone gave me some basic tips I suppose I could improve, I feel very uncomfortable around people, if i keep being around people will i improve or not?

My suggestion is to learn some rational, logical reasons why you're shy. Then use logic to confront it in your mind. When you do that, you'll feel the burden lift and you'll wonder why you were so shy. I've mentioned it before, but a good resource is Dr. Phil's "Self Matters". I don't think it's the best book in the world but the way it's written will give you a real clue, and without any nonsense BS. It doesn't talk about shyness, rather it asks you to go into your past and figure out why you are the way you are. Even if you already know why, or have a clue, it will show you how to process the information more efficiently - i suppose that's the best way to put it. And from there you can figure a way. It's really difficult to use but it puts forth some good ideas, at least.
Thank you for posting this, I read this and basically this is me. ^_^ I was so shy and introverted for so long and the only reason I got a girlfriend (now wife) in the first place was because she was the assertive (many would say clingy and smothering) one and wouldn't leave me alone or let me go. We had a long-distance relationship at first because I shut myself in my room and wouldn't leave the comforts of the Internet and we met in a random chat room one day. Then chats turned to phone calls and instant messages and emails and then finally visits and eventually me moving to a new state to be with her in our new life together.

Still, for the longest time I thought this was the only person that would ever love or care for me because no one else would ever put up with me. So even though it was imperfect I stayed with her even though I almost worked up the courage to leave a couple times (in fact one time I said I was leaving and as I watched her burst into tears I guiltily reneged).

The funny part is now that I am feeling more confident and assertive I still want to be with her. She may be a little naggy and isn't physically attractive, but she loves me and would do anything for me, we still have a healthy sexual relationship after years of marriage, and now she is appreciative of the fact that I actually can and will take charge and make decisions instead of deferring to her all the time. I can remember saying once long ago "I just didn't want to say or do anything to make you leave!" and now that thought never enters my head. If someone was going to leave you over a single stupid fight over something trivial then that isn't love anyway.

But again, for the longest time I struggled with shyness (still do once in a while) and the belief that I was somehow unworthy of anyone's time or care. Friends at college would try to reach out and get me out of the shell but I wouldn't do it. I'm lucky that my freshman roommate kept his door open all the time because otherwise I would have kept it closed and locked so no one could talk to me. So I am thankful for that freshman year and the people I met and interacted with. Unfortunately in subsequent years I was by myself and shut everyone away, except my girlfriend and a few online communities. I am a little upset at myself about that because everyone from those communities is gone and I never took the time to make any real-life friendships at college, where there is basically an unlimited opportunity to meet friends, girls, girlfriends, whatever.

It's funny to think about how if I was more assertive/confident in college, though, that would I never have even met my wife in the first place since I would have been too busy having friends and dates and girlfriends in real life instead of "settling" for a long-distance relationship.

I think the final turning point for me in this journey was this year (I am attending college again, but it's a community college) where I met an actual friend at school. We ended up sitting next to each other in three different classes and just started talking. At first it was mostly idle small talk (though her and I could throw around a few jokes too) and then she opened up to me about some troubles with her boyfriend and that's when I knew there was a crossroads here - I could say "well hope it works out" or show empathy and caring (which was genuine in this case). I chose the latter and then we started talking about all kinds of things, hanging out in between classes (we had long breaks in between them), eating lunch together, until a true friendship started blossoming, almost suddenly. Some may worry about this guy/girl friendship thing but the fact that I'm already married (I would never cheat on my wife), my wife has many male friends, and that my friend and I have a complete understanding that all we want from each other is friendship, mitigates any of that. In fact having no pressure or ulterior motives means we are free to say almost anything to each other about any topic. This is what I realized I've been missing. I love my wife but she is not a great conversationalist, nor has a great sense of humor. I needed friendship to complete me.

It occured to me that this new friend only knows me as the more assertive, confident guy I am now than the shy one I was before. Granted we've talked about essentially everything at this point and she knows my social failures of the past (and I hers) but that's okay. You know that saying "a true friend knows all about you but loves you anyway"? Here's exhibit A. And the confidence basically radiates outward so I feel like a smart, witty, maybe somewhat cute guy that can make people laugh, and people respond to that too. I also went back and thanks to Facebook/Twitter found my two old true friends from high school that I had lost contact with before when I shut myself away at college and beyond. It's like we were never apart.

Basically I'm feeling so much better now. I went from a one-way relationship where I was living as someone else's half to a two-way street of equality and understanding, and having no friends to having three true ones (two old, one new). I am about to start a new career instead of being stuck at the job I was at. Things are only looking up and I can't help but feel confident and happy now. I still will get a shy incident every once in a while but I just shrug it off and wait for the next opportunity to do better.

Phew! That was long. Thank you to anyone who may have read this through.


Active member
Very inspiring post. And regardless of what you seem to think, 30 is so not old! You have more than half of your life still ahead of you, and the fact that you seem to be changing and making improvements now is a very good sign. It may be true that you missed out on some years of your life, but dwelling on it is only going to make you feel worse. Just keep putting your best foot forward and improving your lifestyle as much as you can. You seem to definitely be on the right track. Then once you reach your 90's you'll look back on your life as a whole and those anxiety ridden years will just seem like a blip on the radar. :)


Well-known member
I've dated around enough, i just wanna settle down now. I was shy when i was younger but could still get girls now it's harder than ever meeting women, it's totally different for me as an adult than when i was in my teens and early 20's. i just turned 30 and i haven't had a girlfriend in a while when i used to have different gfs every 3 month's atleast.


Well-known member
Thank you for posting this, I read this and basically this is me. ^_^ I was so shy and introverted for so long and the only reason I got a girlfriend .

Your story sounds a whole heck of a lot like mine. As a matter of fact I also was considering doing college again and I also am pushing myself out of my job that I'm getting tired of, you got those two things done while I'm planning on them. I also started in a long-distance relationship as well.

However, some core differences include I never got married, my sex life is down the drain, and I still love the way my girl looks. The problem I'm running into isn't a loss of love on my part. It's more her issues than mine, but they are issues that can potentially ruin our relationship.

Like you, I started getting more assertive and outgoing and now I have made friends on the internet (I was so shy I couldn't even do that) and have been able to push that confidence into real life.

The thing is, for me right now I feel like I have the entire world in front of me and that my shyness, although I still suffer, isn't holding me back anywhere near as much as it used to. But I feel like I'm stagnant right now. I'm fine, but not the greatest I could be. I am putting into place some plans to get myself happy again, but I have no idea how long that will take.

I just wanted to say with my original post to everyone that even though we grow and pull ourselves out of shyness a little, not to stop growing and to keep forcing yourself to believe that you deserve everything you ever wanted. To keep on working at it and pushing yourself higher because the second you settle, you can get pushed down again.