Don't waste your life


Well-known member
I'm 41, I've been on 3 dates my entire life and no girlfriends... I lack serious confidence in me in the "social" arena... I am confident with just about everything else except socializing. Just the thought of approaching a lady, freaks me out. I think playing in traffic would be less threatening to me.... Intense fear.... I compare it usually to jumping out of a perfectly good air plane without a parachute, and I think that is a good analogy for me at least.

At 41, my good years are behind me. I've wasted my life already, not much left to salvage at my age. ::eek::
I am like the original poster although I have no experience at all.
I to very often ask myself if I am wasting my time. Even if my SA
is a lot more mild then some of the people on this forum I so
seldomly get interested in women.
Are their any others which have it the same?
I sometimes think I do not care enough about getting a girlfriend
for any change to happen.
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Off The Wall

Well-known member
I'm 41, I've been on 3 dates my entire life and no girlfriends... I lack serious confidence in me in the "social" arena... I am confident with just about everything else except socializing. Just the thought of approaching a lady, freaks me out. I think playing in traffic would be less threatening to me.... Intense fear.... I compare it usually to jumping out of a perfectly good air plane without a parachute, and I think that is a good analogy for me at least.

At 41, my good years are behind me. I've wasted my life already, not much left to salvage at my age. ::eek::

It's never to late to start living... The good thing about your age is people aren't going to bullshit you. If they don't like you, they won't stick around.. they won't play you, they want a compatible life long partner not just a fling or something.

Plus guys get better with age, we (girls) wither away while you keep growing better looking.. it's quite unfair. I'd just work with it, I don't think anyone is going to be wanting you to act "cool" or anything then who you are.. I think it's easier somewhat when your older?.. or maybe not.. perhaps all the good ones are taken? I have no idea..

If i was you, I'd go join a dating site... state that you are shy, i really don't think people will care, if you're a good listener that's all they really need people love to chat about themselves, talk about there problems, if you just listen... they'll probably love you!

Off The Wall

Well-known member
Oh and i know this post is suppose to be positive and everything, But i think it just confirmed one of my biggest fears, and why i don't really put myself out there...

because it sounds like some of you just "settle"... you don't think you can have anything better, or no one else will love you.. so you just stay with someone you don't really like or think is that attractive...

that freaking sucks! i don't want that, i want someone to want me, not just be with me cause they've got no one better... obviously you've grown to appreciate your partners but still... doesn't really sound like my dreams of an ideal life. Guess life aint ideal is it? Hmm..

ha, ok back to being positive and not wasting your life...


Well-known member
It's never to late to start living... The good thing about your age is people aren't going to bullshit you. If they don't like you, they won't stick around.. they won't play you, they want a compatible life long partner not just a fling or something.

Plus guys get better with age, we (girls) wither away while you keep growing better looking.. it's quite unfair. I'd just work with it, I don't think anyone is going to be wanting you to act "cool" or anything then who you are.. I think it's easier somewhat when your older?.. or maybe not.. perhaps all the good ones are taken? I have no idea..

If i was you, I'd go join a dating site... state that you are shy, i really don't think people will care, if you're a good listener that's all they really need people love to chat about themselves, talk about there problems, if you just listen... they'll probably love you!

Hey thanks! I don't mean to sound negative... But I did belong to about a dozen dating sites over the years. The most successful one was eHarmony, but that became too expensive. The other ones I really tried to get anyone to just chat with me. Must have been my profile? I always thought it was because of how I look? Or maybe someone could detect some "negative" comment??? I tried to write a very uplifting and positive sounding profile. I couldn't get anyone to respond to me from my home state of Minnesota. The only ladies that I ever chatted with were from Florida and Wisconsin... I know I have allot to offer. I may be a social misfit, but I am very skilled in the domestic chores and duties of a well educated husband / Jack of all trades and master of none! I have traveled the world over, and I have rubbed elbows with the rich... So I would think that I am interesting. My hobbies are diverse, and I am not just fixated on a typical guy thing like "sports"... Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I prefer to be more "well rounded" in all aspects of entertainment. IDK? It's a puzzle?

Off The Wall

Well-known member
Hey thanks! I don't mean to sound negative... But I did belong to about a dozen dating sites over the years. The most successful one was eHarmony, but that became too expensive. The other ones I really tried to get anyone to just chat with me. Must have been my profile? I always thought it was because of how I look? Or maybe someone could detect some "negative" comment??? I tried to write a very uplifting and positive sounding profile. I couldn't get anyone to respond to me from my home state of Minnesota. The only ladies that I ever chatted with were from Florida and Wisconsin... I know I have allot to offer. I may be a social misfit, but I am very skilled in the domestic chores and duties of a well educated husband / Jack of all trades and master of none! I have traveled the world over, and I have rubbed elbows with the rich... So I would think that I am interesting. My hobbies are diverse, and I am not just fixated on a typical guy thing like "sports"... Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I prefer to be more "well rounded" in all aspects of entertainment. IDK? It's a puzzle?

Hehe, yeah i thought you may say you've already tried that. I joined a cool site recently.. it's like myspace except it's for people with SA and things like that... Living Anxious - Surviving Anxiety and Depression I just searched people from your home state on there, there's about 9 of them.. not much but it's something, obviously you don't have to date them but would be kind of cool to chat to people in your home state. (i think they are mostly guys though... (unless you already joined).

I've noticed when i've posted not so positive things on sites people tend to not like you, i just try and focus on my likes and good things about my personality now. You sound pretty interesting to me anyway, you may not have the whole social experience but sounds like your experienced every other way, where as other people are probably more socially experience, but if you put the two of you together you'd make a great team! Well it works in my mind anyway haha.


I’m 24, but I can relate – the relationships I’ve been in I’ve always settled for less. Luckily, I feel that I’m young enough that it’s easier to bounce back, but I have definitely wasted a lot of time nursing relationships that were not fair to me, or meeting any of my needs.

In the past I’ve felt enormous guilt over having any needs of my own, let alone expecting those needs to be met – I was either too shy to express them, or felt so undeserving that I ignored a lot of things I knew deep down were bad for me.

Eventually I realized that I’d rather be alone than to settle for a relationship that doesn’t work – it’s not fair to you or to the other person to keep a relationship going that you are unsatisfied with for fear of being alone. Besides, being single gives you more time to achieve your own personal goals, have fun, and figure out where you want to go in life!

I don’t think it’s ever too late for anyone to start over – strive to be the best version of yourself, and don’t be afraid to expect good things out of life!

iamthenra: Don’t let dating sites get you down; trust me! I think a better route is to join groups or clubs for people with a common bond besides “dating”.
Oh and i know this post is suppose to be positive and everything, But i think it just confirmed one of my biggest fears, and why i don't really put myself out there...

because it sounds like some of you just "settle"... you don't think you can have anything better, or no one else will love you.. so you just stay with someone you don't really like or think is that attractive...

that freaking sucks! i don't want that, i want someone to want me, not just be with me cause they've got no one better... obviously you've grown to appreciate your partners but still... doesn't really sound like my dreams of an ideal life. Guess life aint ideal is it? Hmm..

ha, ok back to being positive and not wasting your life...

It probably sounds weird but I used to think I was "settling" but in fact I have come to realize how awesome and wonderful she is, and that we are pretty much perfect for each other. :) It's easy to fill my head with some alpha male cognitive dissonance about how now that I feel better about myself and am more outgoing that somehow supermodels are now going to throw themselves at me. If I dumped her (an expensive divorce process), the only "pro" is the perception that I will then have more/better sex with better-looking women. At what cost though? I would have given up a loving, kind, generous, stable, responsible, selfless woman, her family, her friends, and probably my friends too since they would consider that a very assholish thing to do.

I think in the past a lot of the problems were with me and how she could have actually been settling for me, rather than the other way around. I used to have irrational fears of things like cooking and driving (forcing her to do all of that), I was too shy to keep up my end of the conversation most of the time, and I had no ambition or goals. Still, she was infinitely patient and caring.

I think if I somehow lost her now (through death or divorce, etc.) I would feel incredibly empty and lonely. ::(:


Well-known member
Oh and i know this post is suppose to be positive and everything, But i think it just confirmed one of my biggest fears, and why i don't really put myself out there...

because it sounds like some of you just "settle"... you don't think you can have anything better, or no one else will love you.. so you just stay with someone you don't really like or think is that attractive...

that freaking sucks! i don't want that, i want someone to want me, not just be with me cause they've got no one better...

That's definitely what I want, too. The thing is, I was very content for the entire time I've been with my partner. I never thought I "settled" for most of that time. I was honestly quite happy.

It was only after I took the time to really analyze my life that I started to realize that settling is in fact what I did. I spent a lot of time ignoring things I probably shouldn't have.

I know my girl loves me for me. If anything, it's one of the major reasons I'm still with her. My problem was I spent a lot of time having no confidence in myself to stick up for my own needs, too shy and too lazy to do anything about my problems and not strengthening my soul. I just kept going at a stagnant pace.

When you fix your shyness to a certain point like I did, you have to keep working at it. Just because you grow to a point where you can start dating, and then next step you get a partner, doesn't mean you're allowed to stop trying. You still have a long way to go is all I'm saying.

And as for dating sites, personally after looking at a few I'd go for OKcupid or I'm not actively using them now, but if it gets to that point I think I'd go for them. I didn't like eharmony at all. I went through the trouble of evaluating them just in case the future requires it, but then stopped looking after I reviewed them. I'm not in the mood to disrupt my current relationship just yet.


I'm 33, very close to 34 and only now have I realized how much I really lost out on youth and life. When I was around 24 I decided to turn my life around from being super shy and phobic to being positive. I flirted with girls, made myself a little less shy, etc. Basically lived my late 20s decently. I found a girlfriend and stayed with her all this time. I made incredible progress, there's no doubt. First girlfriend at 25, that's insane. That's how horribly shy I was. But I settled and had fun. It was decent, but I didn't try for more.

Lately I realized it wasn't enough. In an attempt to further my career, I've been learning how to stop my shyness and try to be more outgoing. I've learned just a tiny bit of stuff. Man, lemme tell ya, if only I had been like this when I was younger. I am not afraid to tell women I think they're pretty or give compliments or try to talk to them (or men for that matter, just to try bonding with people better) and try to keep conversations moving well, etc. I'm starting to look around and see all these people and they are all interesting. I'm starting to see all these beautiful women who would give me the time of day and more if I wanted.

Yeah, I still have a girlfriend but I latched right onto the first one I got because I was so shy when I was younger. At the time I even admitted she wasn't exactly what I had hoped for, but I let it be because I was afraid it wouldn't happen again. When I "solved" the problem of love I just stagnated and did not grow. But now I'm growing and I understand why people move around with love so much, how they keep their options open, how they play the field or sow the wild oats or whatever they call it. I do feel like I settled for less. Not that she isn't great, she's beautiful and sweet, but there are some really complicated issues (pretty serious 'deal breaker' type things, nothing frivolous) that came to light recently that give me serious pause with her. And I knew these problems were there but I ignored them. Only now do I notice how I've just been living with it because it's what I did yesterday and I'm just going through the motions. And it's all because I was too shy and didn't have the confidence to do better with my life.

But I'm in my 30s now and that's going to be tougher on me if I ever decide to "start over" and be like one of the cool kids that dates around. I mean, I'm not afraid and I could do it, the problem is all this regret of lost time. I feel dumb for not taking advantage of life when I should have.

I know what you all are thinking, why bother entertaining the idea if you already have someone. But that's the problem, we have no confidence in ourselves. We are afraid of every little thing life wants to throw at us. We latch onto everything we can get if we are "lucky" enough. But all we have to do is learn and grow and there's so much more to life, not only with love and dating but everything else. I also realize I could have been farther along in my career as well if I hadn't held myself back. Don't let yourself get to my position. And definitely don't let yourself get to my age without feeling love (if it's something you actually want, some people don't, I understand that too). Don't lose out on life.

well im 32 going on 72 after reading all that! but eh, glad all has worked out for you:rolleyes:


Active member
im 34 in december im the shyest man in the world never had a girlfriend or even a friend i blush and sweat if a girl talks to me and feel awkward around people so i stay in all the time it sounds bad but im happier on my own no one to bring me down:confused: