does your famiy accept you as you are?

My immediate family, yes. And for that I'm grateful.

My grandfather always seemed disinclined to believe my claims about having SA and other issues. I think he's just finally starting to accept it now that I've begun speaking to him again after about a year of no contact with him. He always told himself (and me, and everyone else) that I was something I'm not. I was his favorite grandchild - he told me so in nearly the exact words - and I guess he needed someone to put on a pedestal (while simultaneously emotionally abusing them). I've only ever known one other person who could hide so deeply behind denial about so many things.

OP, why don't they accept you?
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Well-known member
my mom does, 100%, but it wasn't always this way. we became a lot closer after the death of my father.

my sister is also pretty cool, but i can tell i frustrate her sometimes and she doesn't always 'get' me, so... i would put her acceptance rate at about 85%. i can deal with that.

my dad never really knew me at all, not on a deep personal level.


Well-known member
My dad doesn't accept that I have SA
Or the fact that I'm atheist.
Has always hated the way I dress and wear my hair.
Disagrees with most of the things I want to do in life.

My mom is almost like him.
But not quite.


Well-known member
I told my family about my depression, not so much about my SA. They've been helpful since that date although there still that bit of uneasiness in the air.


Well-known member
It's hard to say since they don't really know exactly what I'm like.
I'm agnostic but my family believes I'm atheist I think. They're all ok with that, specially my father and sister since they're atheists themselves. They would probably accept me as agnostic I guess.

Sexually I'm straight so they accept that as well, even if I was homosexual I think they would accept it.

I don't think my dad and sister would accept some of my hobbies (such as anime and manga) since they would consider it too childish.
My mum is ok with everything as long as I'm not a douchebag or anything like that.


Well-known member
It's hard to say since they don't really know exactly what I'm like.
I'm agnostic but my family believes I'm atheist I think. They're all ok with that, specially my father and sister since they're atheists themselves. They would probably accept me as agnostic I guess.

Sexually I'm straight so they accept that as well, even if I was homosexual I think they would accept it.

I don't think my dad and sister would accept some of my hobbies (such as anime and manga) since they would consider it too childish.
My mum is ok with everything as long as I'm not a douchebag or anything like that.

Forgot to add that they just see me as a bit shy. They don't think I have social anxiety, they think I'm just a nervous person. If I told them I had SA they would say I was just being hypochondriac.

To them social anxiety is only about the fear of talking to in public, like conferences and oral presentations. Even my father, a neuropsychologist, who has helped many young kids/teenagers with their life in school, believes that to be the full extent of social anxiety.


Well-known member
No, unfortunately my closest relative doesn't. They don't rate me or anything I do. I didn't study at the right university, only law and medicine rates. They are not interested in my achievements in writing, sport, at work, my charities (they didn't even contribute). I am green and we don't share the same world view. I have come to discover that I need to fight this social anxiety on my own, there is little support from my closest relatives, we have our own distant lives.

The situation where I work is even worse, and is a place that has contributed to my anxiety.
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Well-known member
My family definitely does. They know I'm shy, quiet, and don't like most people. I don't think it occurs to them as a problem. They think it's just the way I am.
I sincerely hate how shy I am..but I would never tell them I have anxiety. I don't want the extra attention. Plus I consider it moderate and not a massive enough problem.


Well-known member
My dad's side is understanding and nonjudgmental specially about depression, they never put pressure on me at the times that I'm not social and don't accept their invitations, but my mother's side definitely isn't. The only thing they haven't done yet is label me as crazy just for not participating in their parties when I was depressed. Which I'm actually not sure if they haven't behind my back.