Does you family believe you, that you have SAD?


Well-known member
I definitely have that problem. Most of my family just thinks I'm too lazy to leave the house & refuse to get a job & do other things on purpose. Even my mom, who's lived with me my whole life & should know me better by now, still asks why I don't just go do something because she doesn't realize how hard everything is for me. I wish I could talk to her, but she's not the kind of person I can talk to about things like that.


Well-known member
My mom believes me because she has it also, she seems to think that it's easy to face my fears. It might be... but from my position on the matter it is certainly not at the moment.

My sisters don't believe me at all, and they often call me lazy and stupid. "Why don't you just go??? Ugh, you're so stupid", they ignore the fact that it may be causing me emotional harm as well, because it's simply me not 'wanting' to go. Bleh...
I'm sorry to hear your family doesn't seem to understand. Having little support in everyday life from those who are able to make the largest impact on your hope and motivation is difficult to deal with. Makese it all the more special to discover this site :)
I´m sorry to hear this ::(:

But my parents DO believe me, my mom had SA too.. So they understand me well.. They are helping me too :) But when it comes to panic attacks.. it gets worse and they say i need to have respect for my invorement, but its just that I can't control my panic attacks.
So yup. My parents can be that way too.
But they are real fighters who fight for me


Well-known member
She thinks that people with SA are crazy which is like the pot calling the kettle black.

That's why I don't want to try and talk to anyone about it. People tend to think mental illness = crazy. They don't get that mental illness can just mean anxious and depressed, and not always psychotic. They just think if you're not a total nut then you're fine.::(:


Well-known member
yeh they believe me, in fact they sort of advised me from an early age in high school, i was taken to a doctor and asked really personal questions about life in high school, so they believed something was wrong with me even back then ...

i'm really shy around family because i don't feel comfortable around them and we are all very different personalities ...
Mine believe me, but drastically underestimate it. It makes things difficult sometimes, which forces me to persuade and battle (vocally) with them as well..

But I really feel for those who's family doesn't believe them at all. That's just terrible. A big hug to all of you.. ~WO


Well-known member
no, my family cant be bothered..for them whining about their exes and their neighbours is fulfilling only suits people to call me ''mental'' when theyre using it in an arguement against me, the rest of the time i'm just lazy :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I think they know I have it but pretend they don't and they would deny I have it if asked. That make sense?


I can't imagine trying to explain it to them, it would be so awkward. And I doubt they would understand anyway.
My family doesn't, I tried to get my mom to understand a few years ago and she just thinks its a big joke, my dad is too much of a hard ass, he'd basically just tell me I was crazy and to suck it up. I catch too much hell from my brother as it is so I'm definitely not gonna tell him. So now I just pretty much hide it :)
My family doesn't. My mom ESPECIALLY doesn't. When I was still trying to get her to understand she would just tell me I'm lazy and that's why I don't go out of the house. Either that or she'll get really mad at me and won't talk to me. So I've just given up on trying to get her to understand. My dad is just the same way.


Well-known member
No. My mom sees that somethings wrong, but she has no idea, that something like SA exists. And could she even understand it? How we (the people with SA) perceive the world. It's hard for me to talk about my problems with her or anybody else. That's the thing with phobias, the fear is irrational, we know that, but can't help it, can't change the way we feel.

I don't think she would believe me if I told her what my problem is, that's why I'm looking for a psychiatrist. (And to get better of course:))

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I've always been this way, so yeah they know. :)

On the whole they're understanding and accommodating about it, but I suspect there are occasions when they're secretly wishing I'd just get over it.

Fear of people

Well-known member
I started this thread because even though I have a formal diagnose, my mom thinks I am just to lazy to go anywhere and my believes me but blows it off like it's not important and I could do it if I tried. And they both get upset when I won't make a call or go into a store etc. Does anyone else have this problem? Because it makes me feel even more alone.

I was a timid child growing up and got bullied at school because of I'm an my thirties and still shy to this day. SA has ruined my life so to job...few social life what so ever.

I feel depressed almost every day and cry at least once a week for no apparent reason. My husband knows I have ever he can't help me...only a shrink can. I take anxiety and sleeping tablets to help me through.

To me...everybody else around me has a normal life...except for me of cause.
My brother has a great career in the army and has heaps of friends...and this only makes me feel even more depressed.

I have a husband who loves me ever...he doesn't feel the emotional pain...the emptyness and loneliness that I'm feeling...constantly on a day to day basis.

Most people don't understand...or don't want to understand...those who have SA anyways...because these people have there luxury life styles and terrific social lives...and us people with SA...battle on...just trying to get through day by day...taking anxiety meds like myself.:eek:


Well-known member
I started this thread because even though I have a formal diagnose, my mom thinks I am just to lazy to go anywhere and my believes me but blows it off like it's not important and I could do it if I tried. And they both get upset when I won't make a call or go into a store etc. Does anyone else have this problem? Because it makes me feel even more alone.

I am really glad I read this thread--my mom just sent me an email a couple of weeks ago (in response to me telling her that I am starting therapy) telling me that I need to get my act together TODAY, get a full-time job TODAY, etc.
She tells me that everyone has social anxiety from time to time, so I have to use the term social phobia when talking to her about it. My parents think that I am lazy, but I avoid doing things because I am so uncomfortable. Unfortunately, this usually ends up compounding problems, and by the time I ask for help (usually financially) things are pretty out of control, so that's all my parents see. What they don't seem to understand is that I'd LOVE to feel like a productive, comfortable member of society, and that it is killing me to see everyone around me not only surviving, but thriving and accomplishing their dreams, while I sit on the sidelines, terrified.

The two things that really bother me about my mom are:
1) I told her a decade ago (right after high school) that I thought I needed therapy. She told me to get a job. I got a job, and we never spoke of me getting help again till I sought it for myself. I really think I'd be in a better place right now if she had listened to me back then.
2) She is a hoarder. It is really bad. We couldn't have people over when I was younger, and I spent most of my life trying to hide this fact. I think that has been a pretty big factor in my SA.

So, no my family pretty much doesn't seem to believe me--at least not my mom, and my dad doesn't really talk to me. I haven't told my brother, but I'm sure he'd believe me and be supportive if he knew. The friends I have are awesome, and believe me, so I get support from them. At least 2 of them also have SA, so I know I have people I can talk to if I need to at times.
My mum actually called me wimp when I told her why I never went out of my room. My dad says it's just a phase and my brother called me emo. So... no help there ::(:


Well-known member
My mom kinda understands it with me, because she has some of the same issues since I kinda learned it from her I guess... My brother doesnt understand it at all and usually makes it worse most of the time.. by saying all the stuff thats wrong with me.


Well-known member
My mum actually called me wimp when I told her why I never went out of my room. My dad says it's just a phase and my brother called me emo. So... no help there ::(:

wow, thats pretty bad!

I think my parents have the same problem, but they will never admit to it. They believe that counselors and psychiatrists are part of the devil's plan for the world and think that prayer and mediatation will solve everything. Thankfully i disagreed and sought help.