Does this make me ugly?

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
As a woman, black hair and green eyes sounds very attractive...i have green eyes too, and I think it's very unique and awesome!

Folks with green eyes get a raw deal. People write romantic songs about blue eyes and brown eyes. What do we green eyed people get?

The Incredible Hulk.

A man with anger management issues. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
bullies can make you feel like that , its doesnt make you a bad person , i was bullied at school , probably lots of people on this site were , dont let the idiots drag you down ;)


Well-known member
Strange how people react diffirently then others. I have less compassion with others by being bullied when I was younger. Any one share this ?


Well-known member
In my local paper, they often show wedding photos. Let me tell you that some of the guys look way uglier than myself and yet they stll manage to get the girl and have a fairly normal life. Outside appearance means nothing, however other people will be quick to recognise the person who is not quite as inner confident with themselves as other people are.


Well-known member
I was also bullied..quite a bit during school. I've got a bad memory though due to head trauma I've experienced so I can't recall every event. However I can say thanks to my bad school years it made me think "well hell, there's no way I'm going to be like those jerks". So I make it a habit of mine to always be polite and gentle to everyone.
I don't have black hair, (light brown), but I do share the green eyes. I don't think that's any reason to pick on anyone though. I'd just say their just jerks..
Your not a bad person at all.

Lost Girl

Well-known member
moi aussi. i adore green eyes!

Me too! This is the first time I've heard of people being bullied for having green eyes o.o. Green eyes are rare (at least from my experience) and even though I'm a sucker for dark eyes, green eyes are just amazing I think. Crazy beautiful! And dark hair to go with it? Oh my goodness. That's the best these bullies could come up with? Lame! Bullies are pathetic, don't let them get to you!


Well-known member
Folks with green eyes get a raw deal. People write romantic songs about blue eyes and brown eyes. What do we green eyed people get?

The Incredible Hulk.

A man with anger management issues. :rolleyes:


Well, there's a whole series of books about Angelique, with stunning green eyes and hair of gold (silly romance novels lol!) Thing is, on the covers she has brown eyes! (I think - definitely not green, lol! While in books there are pages about her green eyes, lol!)

I've had a model friend (later Miss World participant) jealous of my green eyes, too! I'd prefer different color but ah well! At least they're interesting!

I think a girl in Agatha Christie's Man in Brown Suit has green eyes and dark hair too - she says it's the right color for adventurers! :D

There are books raving about red-haired and green-eyed beauties too.. :) I think maybe even Pippi Longstocking and Anne of Green Gables? ;)

Anyway, being bullied for green eye color sounds just ridiculous!! To OP - Maybe those kids actually kinda liked you? (If they wanted you to join?) Maybe just wanted to tease you a bit and it got out of hand? (Happened in our primary school too..)

I hate bullying and think bullies are often just scared kids (or adults) with big problems - they may be (or have been) bullied themselves and just take it out on others and may just not know of better ways of communicating and being!! Or just over-spoilt and such! - It's much better to be caring and considerate!! Sometimes some of them may seem to get ahead in areas like politics, I think long-term integrity and honesty win too.. Just read Harry Potter lol..
Youre probably insecure yourself, this is why they pick on you(they are too coward to pick on the strongest).

find what make you insecure. if you want, workout or do martial arts that will give you self confidence and people will feel it. if a douche pick on you, make him pay.

be all little agressif is good.

PS: I was a little like you before, I start to working out and train martial arts, and even if in the inside, I don't really feel better about my self ,nodoby really "pick on me" anymore and i'm not scared to fight if i would have to.
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