Does this happen to anyone else?


Well-known member
You're very well spoken here and express yourself beautifully.

not everyone is a word wizard when speaking. I am willing to bet you speak more eloquently than the majority of people around you.

The only thing I did to speak more like an adult is eliminating the words "like" "uh" "umm" from my vocabulary.

As far as vocabulary goes...the bigger words someone uses the less likely I am to believe anything they say. The average person isn't impressed by large words.

Honestly, I don't think people take anyone seriously anymore unless that person is labeled a threat of some sort.


Well-known member
Yes. Exactly.
I have always had this problem:
Today my art teacher asked me a question, to give an explanation for some of my work, and I just felt stuck, I don't remember what the hell I even mumbled, but I do know I was cringing at my own words.
Grades don't reflect intelligence, thats for sure. Who cares I do great on exams and have really high grades, when I find it so difficult to express myself? to sound like an adult when I talk?
It's not only what I say but it's my childish voice that really discourages me.
I literally *sound* like a toddler whenever I speak. My speech vocabulary is tiny- I can't articulate myself without sounding like a bumbling child.

People always complained about how hard they studied in college and highschool-- I never did. I found it far too easy and boring. Not a challenge at all. But I don't see myself as an intelligent person-- not in the slightest.
My speaking ability is just one piece of evidence out of many to prove that I'm not.


Well-known member
I have this all the time. Yesterday I sold my car and the buyer asked me a question which caught me off guard as I only half-heard it - I can't even fathom the reply that came out of my mouth. It was complete verbal diarrhea. I feel like the only time I can cope with life is when I'm either alone or in a safe environment (like when I'm with my family). Those seems to be the only times I can't mess things up.


Well-known member
hey vamp, i know exactly how you feel. in fact my mothers boyfriend visited us( i have vacation so I'm also home) and my mother asked me in front of him(he is a doctor/psycholgist and very clever) that she finds my university book she opened very interesting and explained the page she read of that book. I was so fking shocked because i didn't know what to say, i didn't know the information of that sheet she stated. they were expecting me to explain it, and i just said we didn't arrive there yet( we did actually). he probably thinks I'm complete retarded of how i express/behave my self like a 12 year old.


Yea it happens all the time to me too...But i don't think it's a vocabulary/dumbness issue.
eloquence is more of a matter of practice, in my opinion..


Well-known member
Yea it happens all the time to me too...But i don't think it's a vocabulary/dumbness issue.
eloquence is more of a matter of practice, in my opinion..

Yeah I think so too. It's mostly just a matter of practice. When you don't have anxiety, normal people practice all day putting together beautiful and interesting strings of words. When you are anxious, all you think about is trying to get through it and not say something stupid. Is it any wonder that many of us sound like children or retards? I know I do most of the time.


Well-known member
it happens to me plenty of times, but it doesn't really make me feel stupid. it's one aspect of my confidence that SA failed to take away from me. i think, the best answers are the honest ones. if you don't know what to say, then tell them so. i used to do that in class and at work. our office head told us once that it's better to say you don't know than to act like you do. pretending can cause a lot of trouble.

you don't need to have an opinion in everything. i'm sure you can speak well about the things you are passionate about. falling short of good communication skills hardly makes anyone dumb. and it's actually something you can learn.


Well-known member
oh wow. Getting badgered by anyone like that is enough to give anyone a headache!.

I think you express yourself perfectly well here. Your always very articulative and thoughtful. Plus too, the situation you were dealing with was unexpected. I think you did really well considering the cirumstances :).

Dont be so hard on yourself Vamp!


Well-known member
Reading all your replies makes me feel a bit better guys.

We had as a homework to do an animal study, draw or paint whatever kind of animal we want. I found a cool picture of a tropical parrot and I chose to paint that since I wanted to experiment with a more colorful pallete. So when I show it to the teacher he's all "Why would you do a parrot? whats the meaning behind what u did?why a parrot?" needless to say he started a looong monologue.

For christ's sake u only asked us to do some studies, not conceptual art! I told him that I don't know if im the only one with this kind of problem(dunno why I even said that, since all my colleagues have this problem too), but I don't always have an explanation for everything that I paint. I mumbled that I only chose to do it cause I liked the picture, theres no hidden secret meaning behind it or whatever, and he started getting into philosophycal stuff, asking if i analyze myself through my work, what does my work say about me, why I do it blabla. I told him I prefer not to scrutinize on a deeper level and analyze every little thing that i do giving it more meaning than necesarry, well, smth among these words anyway. Of course, he didn't like my reply, and he was all "why? are u afraid of what u might discover about yourself?blabla" at this point I even stopped saying anything.

Sorry, just had to get all that out. I'm having a headache now.

Gah, I don't really miss all that art school bullsh**. Sometimes you just like something because its pretty, dammit!


Well-known member
Do you ever feel like a child even though you are past your teens? ever feel emotionally immature

Yep,all the time.But not because I'm unable to keep an intelligent conversation with an adult, older people find me sometimes too mature when I talk with them but that's not how I feel.Maybe because I don't have any real responsibilities, I'm jobless,friendless and still living with my parents so sometimes I feel like a person with a physical handicap that need's the full support of his parents.

PS:nu stiu ce profi ai u ,dar eu nu imi bat capu cu ce comenteaza un dinozaur comunist la mine ...iti sugerez sa faci la fel :p
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Well-known member
Reading all your replies makes me feel a bit better guys.

We had as a homework to do an animal study, draw or paint whatever kind of animal we want. I found a cool picture of a tropical parrot and I chose to paint that since I wanted to experiment with a more colorful pallete. So when I show it to the teacher he's all "Why would you do a parrot? whats the meaning behind what u did?why a parrot?" needless to say he started a looong monologue.

For christ's sake u only asked us to do some studies, not conceptual art! I told him that I don't know if im the only one with this kind of problem(dunno why I even said that, since all my colleagues have this problem too), but I don't always have an explanation for everything that I paint. I mumbled that I only chose to do it cause I liked the picture, theres no hidden secret meaning behind it or whatever, and he started getting into philosophycal stuff, asking if i analyze myself through my work, what does my work say about me, why I do it blabla. I told him I prefer not to scrutinize on a deeper level and analyze every little thing that i do giving it more meaning than necesarry, well, smth among these words anyway. Of course, he didn't like my reply, and he was all "why? are u afraid of what u might discover about yourself?blabla" at this point I even stopped saying anything.

Sorry, just had to get all that out. I'm having a headache now.

You know, I strongly believe that everything we do in art (painting, writing, so on) leaves behind a piece of your personality. You can't lie with art. However, maybe that part of yourself is just a shallow part that likes something just because. I find this just hilarious. I tend to over analyze everything, and even I think your teacher is ridiculous.

But yeah, that happens to me. Sometimes, I flock to someone who I am comfortable being around and is older than me, almost to take me underneath their wing because I feel like a kid and can't really speak up for myself. But sometimes, I take that a step further and I have an issue with actually SOUNDING and acting like a 5 year old. It tends to be when I want to be taken care of... D:


Well-known member
This happens all of the time to me. My anxiety causes me to freeze up and I sound like a child. I imagine it in my head flowing out so smoothly and gracefully. One time I had to talk to a teacher about something and in my head I imagined myself walking up and saying " Mr. ___ I need to speak with you" in a deep booming voice, when it came down to it it came out like

"hey -uh -i mean uh---sooo- umhm like I have uhhh uh uhmmm" *mr ____ leans forward* * "hmmmmm?" "soo uhm....uh.....i mean" . It was absolutely excruciating and it happens every single time I talk to anybody of authority.

Roman Legion

Well-known member
I can understand the anxiety when a teacher calls on you, I can't even speak to anyone, let alone answer a teacher's questions.. I dread when my semester starts in August.. I wish they had online courses for what I need, I'd never have to leave the comforts of my room.. Maybe I could do what my brother does and study online at Strayer University? Now I need to check if they offer CAD.. lol I would say you could think of random answers like that as B.S.-ing your way through it, might relieve some anxiety.. Then again what do I know, at least you were able to say something. :)


Well-known member
I often feel like a child, and I'm sure that being the youngest by almost 10 years has contributed to that. Overall I'm responsible and have always been labelled as 'mature' in terms of how I deal with things but deep inside I just feel like a big kid.
I love spending time with my 3 year old nephew and playing games. I think I get just as much enjoyment out of it all as he does. And I love having an excuse to play on things at the playground.
Yep, I often feel like a child.
I'm 26 btw. Most people my age are moving into their own flats, getting married or having children. I'm playing hook-a-duck with my nephew whilst he takes a bath, and getting far too excited if I win.


Well-known member
I really envy people who go through life not really caring about other people's opinion, if i was like that i could be so much happier. Im obsessively thinking about what happened today over and over, what i should've said, what i shouldn't have said...I hate this.
Me too! I wish I could care less but it seems impossible for me. I'd really like to know how to stop it or control it atleast.


Well-known member
I can't always blame my SA for this, right? sometimes I think maybe I'm just dumb, plain and simple, and don't have a good vocabulary, because I didn't and don't read enough (atleast not in my native language, I prefer english books).

This is absolutely true for me, i tend to read in many langueges to end up failing to express perfectly with my own native language, it happens in a discussion that pertinent ideas pop in my head but in english or french, so trying to translate them to my native language does not work, i rather end up not understood and lost in my own words, which is really awkward :confused:
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