Does the color of our skin really matter?


Well-known member
There is prejustice in absolutely every country in the world. This goes for both Singapore and USA as well, but influental countries with high economic importance, much ethnic diversity and so on will typically have less racism, homophobia and intolerance than other countries.

How do you know this? Have you lived in many countries or spoken to culturally varied people about the subject?


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
influental countries with high economic importance, much ethnic diversity and so on will typically have less racism, homophobia and intolerance than other countries.
That sounds like it makes sense, but would you have any links with studies or data supporting it?

I'd have to disagree with you on this one.
From personal experience, that hasn't been the case.
Which countries do you have experience with, Winter?


Well-known member
That sounds like it makes sense, but would you have any links with studies or data supporting it?

I couldn't find any non-biased studies, but if the US was a racist country, why aren't the 35% of the population belonging to an ethnic minority desperately trying to emigrate?


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
I couldn't find any non-biased studies, but if the US was a racist country, why aren't the 35% of the population belonging to an ethnic minority desperately trying to emigrate?
I'm not saying the US is any more or less racist on the whole than anywhere else. I honestly don't know, that's why I was hoping for some data.

Certainly I've seen plenty of racism within the US. When I lived in Singapore I saw racism there, too. When I lived in Scotland...well there wasn't anything but us crackers around and I was very small, so it's hard to say. ::p:


Well-known member
I couldn't find any non-biased studies, but if the US was a racist country, why aren't the 35% of the population belonging to an ethnic minority desperately trying to emigrate?

Maybe they dont have other places to go.


I couldn't find any non-biased studies, but if the US was a racist country, why aren't the 35% of the population belonging to an ethnic minority desperately trying to emigrate?

I doubt it is really as simple as that,what if they were fleeing civil war or persecution,despite the racism which does go on in the states (Just look at places like LA,where there are still minor race wars between Mexican,Asian and African American communities)I doubt it's easy for them to just decide to go back to there county of origin,and why should they?

I don't agree about influental countries with high economic importance having less racism at all.There are high levels of racism present In the UK too.A few years back it really got bad with no go areas.
BBC NEWS | UK | Police deny 'no-go zones' for whites

Even these days there is a strong under current of racism especially towards people from the middle East.
Suspicious Pill Pile

Maybe it's where I live, but I've never actually seen any racism, like ever. Just heard of it. I guess it could be because I never go out, but I don't think it happens much here? It really does depend on where you live and the people that live there. Look at places like Orange County, there's so many asian people there. Even where I live, I know the white people are less than 50%. I didn't care to look it up.

You can go where ever you want, you just have to find the right place. That's not going to guarantee anything. You can go to the least racist place in the world and happen upon the one racist there. There's always going to be jerks out there. Don't let it keep you from exploring the world.


Well-known member
Re: Suspicious Pill Pile

Maybe it's where I live, but I've never actually seen any racism, like ever. Just heard of it. I guess it could be because I never go out, but I don't think it happens much here? It really does depend on where you live and the people that live there. Look at places like Orange County, there's so many asian people there. Even where I live, I know the white people are less than 50%. I didn't care to look it up.

You can go where ever you want, you just have to find the right place. That's not going to guarantee anything. You can go to the least racist place in the world and happen upon the one racist there. There's always going to be jerks out there. Don't let it keep you from exploring the world.

I reckon there's less in California as it has a fairly diverse population, the exposure to which prevents legitimization of prejudiced mindsets (for the most part, from what I've seen).


Well-known member
...Just look at places like LA,where there are still minor race wars between Mexican,Asian and African American communities...

There's racial tension and even some violence, but I would hardly characterize it as "war" the way most people are familiar with the term.

Hate crime, along with most crime in America is centered mostly in large cities.

In my experience, it has as much to do with economic status as it does race.

Even though there are a lot of large cities in the US, the vast majority of the country lives in communities of less than 10,000 people, where there is not much racial disparity, not much economic disparity, and not much crime.

Really, most of the country bears very little resemblance to what you see on television.

We're actually quite boring, and that doesn't make for good ratings.


Well-known member
America has plenty of economic opportunities, that's why people come.

Have you ever LIVED in the United States before? You've implied that you haven't, so how have you come to the conclusion that Americans are tolerant?

I think Americans are mostly tolerant.

Some parts of the country may be worse than others.

Maybe you've never spent much time in the tolerant parts.


Well-known member
All countries, across all cultures, all people there will be racists. There is prejudice against nationality in this thread even.


Well-known member
...I definitely wasn't saying that all Americans were intolerant...

Ok, sorry, it seemed like you were.

And I agree that there are stupid bigots in all parts of the country.

It just dismays me when people in other parts of the world get the impression that the whole United States is some big crime-infested, hate-filled, gun-toting Wal-mart parking lot.

That's only New Jersey.


Well-known member
Ok, sorry, it seemed like you were.

And I agree that there are stupid bigots in all parts of the country.

It just dismays me when people in other parts of the world get the impression that the whole United States is some big crime-infested, hate-filled, gun-toting Wal-mart parking lot.

That's only New Jersey.



That is what South Jersey looks like. I bet you thought it was industrial? That's just North Jersey. :p


Well-known member
I doubt it is really as simple as that,what if they were fleeing civil war or persecution,despite the racism which does go on in the states (Just look at places like LA,where there are still minor race wars between Mexican,Asian and African American communities)I doubt it's easy for them to just decide to go back to there county of origin,and why should they?

I don't agree about influental countries with high economic importance having less racism at all.There are high levels of racism present In the UK too.A few years back it really got bad with no go areas.
BBC NEWS | UK | Police deny 'no-go zones' for whites

Even these days there is a strong under current of racism especially towards people from the middle East.

I'm not saying that racism is non-existant in the United States (that would be impossible in a country with 310 million inhabitants), but compare the level of racism there to how ethnic minorities are treated in the Post-Soviet states or the Middle East.


Well-known member
A very wise white man once told me,

"Racism is just dope-headedness"

I couldn't agree any more, he put it very simply and straightforward. Racist people are simply ignorant people who aren't intelligent enough to see the truth of how things really are. And there are ignorant and stupid people in every race.

Don't let it get you down though :)