Does the color of our skin really matter?

This may not be what you want to hear and may not be what others think, but yes, race does matter. It matters in all countries, no matter what they may say. It matters to all people.

Why? Well think of how the various races began. They began because people started separating themselves. Eventually the different races evolved.

So you could say that the various races, that diversity itself, arose because of "racism. If there were no "racism," the different races would not be here. They would all have mixed and intermingled long ago.

So, from this viewpoint, if you love and celebrate diversity, you should to some degree celebrate the race consciousness that brought it about.

I know this is a nonconformist and maybe controversial point of view, but I think it is true.

This is a point of view you may have never heard before. Most people think of "racism" as an unalloyed evil. In fact the word was originally coined to mean something bad.

Don't get me wrong, I do not condone ruder nasty or or hateful or insulting behavior in any way shape or form. I think Singapore is a fascinating and remarkable country, even though I have never been there. (Perhaps I will visit someday).

But the simple fact is that people do tend to segregate by race, and I suspect they always will. Japan wants to keep itself Japanese. They do not allow a large number of immigrants. They are robotizing their society to keep this from happening. they would rather have robots taking care of the sick and elderly than bring in immigrants. Israel has the same attitude. So do most other countries.

What offends me is that Western European derived nations are the only ones that are called racist because they do not want to be overwhelmed by immigrants. I think this is just plain wrong.

I will say that you should feel free to attend university in another country if you can afford it. Universities have a more liberal minded attitude and accept people from various countries. Many foreign exchange students go back to their home country after they have completed their education anyway. Also, In all honesty, universities are moneymaking institutions, and the color they care about the most is green.

In conclusion, I will say that "racism" is a part of human nature and it will always be with us, and it is in fact the reason different races are here in the first place.

People separate themselves for any number of different reasons, many of which has nothing to do with 'racism'. They could be migrating simply to explore new lands to map the world, because their own dwelling places are overcrowded... and so on...

They may also do it out of some other unpleasant reasons. But whatever it is, there's no reason to repeat whatever our ancestors did unless their actions are moral and beneficial. I don't believe "racism" is natural in any way. If it is, it's in the same class as other damaging parts of human nature. The ones that make us behave less than human at times.

If our ancestors separated themselves into different races, I don't think we should celebrate 'racism'. We should instead celebrate our diversity. We are different so that we can get to know one another.
Not at all as far as i'm concerned. I don't know why some is so up tight about it. I strongly believe... Human kind can achieve greater thing if we all set aside all our differentness and aim for a certain goal.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
Not at all as far as i'm concerned. I don't know why some is so up tight about it. I strongly believe... Human kind can achieve greater thing if we all set aside all our differentness and aim for a certain goal.

Ah and therein lies one of the failures of humanity. We simply cannot set aside differences and work for the common goal. There will always be those who use such agendas for their own personal gain.


Well-known member
I know this is a nonconformist and maybe controversial point of view, but I think it is true.

No, don't worry. None of what you're saying is controversial. I'm sure anyone who watches fox news would agree with you.

But the simple fact is that people do tend to segregate by race, and I suspect they always will.

Nonsense. My Mom is black, my Dad is white. I'm most comfortable around Asians, not sure why. All my childhood friends were Asian, because I spent a lot of time in my school's math team. I didn't fit in with the whites or blacks; the only ones I cliqued with were the asians.

But the simple fact is that people do tend to segregate by race, and I suspect they always will. Japan wants to keep itself Japanese. They do not allow a large number of immigrants. They are robotizing their society to keep this from happening. they would rather have robots taking care of the sick and elderly than bring in immigrants. Israel has the same attitude. So do most other countries.

Source???? I don't think anything written here is true! The Israelis government airlifted literally MILLIONS of Ethiopian Jews (who are black) to Israel where they would live comfortably as citizens.

What offends me is that Western European derived nations are the only ones that are called racist because they do not want to be overwhelmed by immigrants. I think this is just plain wrong.

First of all, the reason you only hear about racism in the west is because you live in the west! Debito Arduo, for example, is a Japanese civil rights activist. In 2002, he sued a spa for denying him admission since he was a minority (he is white). More urgent is that you have the idea that racial uniformity is somehow important to the survival of a country, as if the presence of brown people magically causes the text of the constitution to change. Not only are you Social Phobic, but you are Xenophobic as well.

So you could say that the various races, that diversity itself, arose because of "racism. If there were no "racism," the different races would not be here. They would all have mixed and intermingled long ago.

Uhh...definitely not true. I think the lack of speedy transportation is a more likely candidate for the reason Asians did not marry Africans in ancient times.

So, from this viewpoint, if you love and celebrate diversity, you should to some degree celebrate the race consciousness that brought it about.

In conclusion, I will say that "racism" is a part of human nature and it will always be with us, and it is in fact the reason different races are here in the first place.

Celebrating diversity means to understand that everyone is different, and accept them for it. It does not mean for people to distance themselves from those not in their race. Duh.
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Well-known member
I noticed that people have been talking about Australia a lot. My viewpoint is, that most racial problems are not caused by white Australians, rather they are often caused by immigrants from various backgrounds.What there is though is a hatred towards Aboriginies though. They get a lot of government benefits, yet get drunk and trash the places that they live. This is one of the few races that white Aussies get fired up about. Otherwise us whites tend to be a lot more accepting than those who are other races.


Staff member
I noticed that people have been talking about Australia a lot. My viewpoint is, that most racial problems are not caused by white Australians, rather they are often caused by immigrants from various backgrounds.What there is though is a hatred towards Aboriginies though. They get a lot of government benefits, yet get drunk and trash the places that they live. This is one of the few races that white Aussies get fired up about. Otherwise us whites tend to be a lot more accepting than those who are other races.

Arn't they the only ones who arn't immigrants?


Well-known member
In all honesty when I first came to Australia most kids my age at school were very friendly and helpful. But that is not to say people were all like this.

Unfortunately there seems to be a undercurrent of racism. Its probably more overt in some places. I have experienced both sorts. Often wondered how much of racist bullying help aggravate SP.

To the original poster, sorry didn't mean to scare you off Australia totally. Majority of people here are friendly and most places are fairly multicultural. Especially Uni's in Major capital cities. I don't think I experience any racism at uni certainly not the overt kind.

So come on down lah :)


New member
IT is just a matter of choice some people like pale look and some like tanned look. And so because of it several cream and lotion are available to get the type of look one desire.


I think that it will probably matter at first, but not after someone has gotten to know you. I've had friends from a lot of different races and if we have things in common it stops being an issue pretty quickly.

The problem is that some people don't want to know what the people around them are actually like.


Well-known member
The majority of people here are white I'm guessing about 40% then Asian(including Filipino and Indonesian) 30% then black, native ect make up the rest... I am part Asian but I look very white is that when people find out I am part Asian it's just friendly teasing or asking if I'm good at math ect pretty much no real racism...