Does anyone else feel stupid?


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that happened to me on a few presentations during courses. even after i studied, once you get up there in front of people, unless you are really confident with the content then i would start babbling incoherently about nonsense.

the comments on that video are so over the top.

it can be very hard to stay coherent in a presentation situation like that, especially if the stage fright kicks into gear. also you can sometimes not hear the question right and you just go a bit blank. very common also if you feel intimidated and nervous then sometimes your best might be just to say anything that flows even if doesn't make complete sense. this doesn't make her dumb, she's probably very nice and gave her best.


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I think it also has to do with a certain degree of ruthlessness.

People with developed street smarts or business smarts are probably more trained to deal with stuff like money or getting what they want from people. They're also able to think quickly, even in the face of social stimuli, whereas SA'ers tend to feel a lot of pressure and nervousness that blocks thinking. A lot of these traits come in handy in society. SA people usually (I guess there are exceptions) haven't developed such qualities and instead have developed skills in other areas that don't feature extensive human contact, like technical stuff, art, language, history, etc. Of course not every SA-er is the same and there are a lot of variations.

Most of us have just developed a different part of our brains and that's why we sometimes feel stupid when dealing with other kinds of things that for other people seems to be easy.

I think I'm pretty retarded when it comes to anything with numbers, paperwork, remembering tiny details, and dealing with customers (because I have never learned to have that trained ruthlessness), but I usually do know how to talk about stuff like politics, history, art etc. More abstract stuff. But I refuse to think I can't improve in that area.
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I feel stupid. It makes me anxious. I therefore become confused. I then do something stupid or say something stupid. I feel stupid. Again.

I try and tell myself to shut up and not do anything. Take five deep breaths. Be cool.

Maybe not so much stupid as stupified and flustered.


Well-known member
I always feel stupid when I can't think of answers to simple questions like what my favorite movie or food is. I know the answers but I get a mental block when someone else asks me. I am probably at the top of the bell curve when it comes to intelligence.

I think this is one of my biggest problems. When I'm in a certain situation, my mind just stops working. Like you mentioned, I can't think of even answers to simple questions. I wish i knew how to work on this. :sad:


Well-known member
Sometimes I feel like I am just really stupid. I know I am smart in some ways.. but because I can't communicate effectively, or have normal conversations with people, I just feel like a total idiot. I feel like I don't know even simple things that I should know. I also have a really bad memory and I can't remember simple things, because when I am nervous it's like my brain just shuts down and I can't process information. If someone asks me something, I can't even seem to form the answer in my head, and I just sound like a blabbering idiot. It's like there's some kind of a block.

good god, i know this. i refer to it as 'mind blank' or blank mind. happens to me all the time, i forget things i know, get dumbfounded, forget all history, science, etc, stuff i've seen on tv, movies, all that. maybe you're talking about this feeling. it happens a lot with SA. then you remember stuff after the fact. so sad.


Well-known member
I feel stupid all the time, but it is worst on test days because I will spend 3 or 4 day studying and end up with a low D. If that’s not bad enough nothing making makes me feel even more stupid when a professor announces to the class and says how someone (me) could get the wrong answer to an easy question.


Well-known member
I feel stupid all the time, but it is worst on test days because I will spend 3 or 4 day studying and end up with a low D. If that’s not bad enough nothing making makes me feel even more stupid when a professor announces to the class and says how someone (me) could get the wrong answer to an easy question.

I have days like this too. I used to study too much, which means studying inefficiently. All that note taking is time consuming and actually isn't very helpful at all. I have learned to just study off the book, which is more efficient. No more pages of note taking and no more useless flashcards.


Well-known member
Yup. Alllll the time. I'm perpetually stupid. And I ask lots of stupid questions. But, to be quite frank, I don't really give a s**t if anyone else thinks I am or wants me to be believe I am. As stupid as you "think" you are, trust me, there are stupider people out there. MUCH STUPIDER! The important thing is not give-up on yourself and your own intellect. Don't "out source" your thinking to some who claims to have everything figured out or to have your best interests in mind! I personally believe the key to happiness is simply feeling like your in control of your own fate/ destiny; not money, not fame, not lots of sex or two sports cars in your $3 million dollar home. Live life on your own terms; as you see fit with no regrets. ...even if it means your a complete failure(not forever)! I'm much happier since I've ditched people who thought they could manage my life better than I can. People who, themselves, couldnt manage to stay clear of trouble.
Yes exactly! So glad i'm not the only person this happens to. Whenever i'm forced into any kind of social situation it's like my brain just shuts down, and then i only have a vocabulary of like 10 words. And god forbid i have to do any math. I once failed a job interview miserably because i had to answer a question using simple math. I got the answer wrong because i could not for the life of me think. Which sucks because i could have easily answered it if i wasn't freaking out so much....ugh so embarrassing. Everyone must think i'm so slow.


Well-known member
absolutely yes! I feel this way a good portion of the time. In a lot of ways, I am smart but it seems most times I just can't seem to absorb any information.

I get so tongue tied it's embarrassing!