Do you think if you had sex, you'd be less anxious?



I'm gonna take everyone's word for it and say that no it wont make me less anxious. But I'm pretty sure it'll make me more sleepy lmao. So I guess the question is can love get rid of anxiety?


Well-known member
As others have said, it's probably the context of the sex that determines its effect. I've read of older male virgins pursuing their first sex with prostitutes, and oftentimes they're more and not less depressed afterwards, as such 'empty' sex proves not to be the cure-all that they hoped for.

Sex in the context of a long-term relationship, though, can consummate the love and trust and confidence of such a union; I can't imagine the psychological affect being anything other than positive.


As an older male virgin, I think it'll probably help me feel less anxious about intimacy in general (sex, kissing, etc.). Having no knowledge or experience contributes a lot to my anxiety... but I agree with what others have said, I think it would have to be with someone who understood me and made me feel comfortable, a one-night stand with a stranger would probably not help with anything.


Ok, I just wanted to add something about the context of sexual relations. Admittedly, I have been to a prostitute, not my proudest moment and not something I would do again. This woman, couldnt stand me, I could tell, and to her I was just another job...nothing special. Anyway, I picked up on this vibe that she wasnt very fond of me, and even though I went through with it, I can tell you the whole experience made me feel like crap. I even had some difficulty...performing. I said it once before, but having sex with someone who likes and cares about you, is far superior than just shagging because of a biological urge...
No, it really doesn't.
It may make you feel like the man at the time, but when you find out you were being used by a girl for sex, your self esteem takes a huge nose dive.

Everyone should do it at least once though. Slow and romantic or fast and hard. They're both very positive.


Well-known member
Yes...I do. Simply because it's a lot of my worries. With regards to relationships anyway. So much stress is put on it. I think if I had it, it would be over with and I wouldn't have to worry about what it'll be like, feel like, what I have to do...It wouldn't be as big of a deal as it is now.


Well-known member
Sex is too often considered the holy grail around here, but in reality, you are what you are, and I doubt any amount of it will really change you as a person. If I meet a girl and things go well, I get a temporary ego boost, but it's nothing more than a fleeting pleasure; to me it's comparable to going out and buying myself something nice. Underneath that momentary satisfaction I'm still an anxious, neurotic misanthrope, and I revert back to that as soon as the initial rush of success passes.

The one distinction I will make is that for some young people, anxiety is more a symptom of the teenage years rather than anything lasting. In that instance, I think sex sometimes can help you with 'coming into your own'. I think this is especially true for guys, and if that does happen, I would argue that you probably didn't have social anxiety to begin with - which of course is a good thing.
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Active member
I can say from personal experience that the answer (for me at least) is NO!!!! I didn't even had to have sex. Fooling around was enough to make me feel very dirty and very insecure about people thinking I was a sl*t. Sure, for that moment I was in the bedroom, I felt great having some guy fawn over me and tell me that I was beautiful....but I spent the rest of the week feeling like hell. I'm still not over the guilt and years have past.

Lost Girl

Well-known member
Sex definitely helps me be less anxious and happier. If I don't get sex at least once every two-three days I get moody as hell, not on purpose, that's just how I get! At risk of sounding like a stinky hippie, I think a healthy sex life is very important for the mind, body, and spirit. I know I feel like a new woman almost after sex, I feel open, free-spirited, and just all round good, and can face the world that much better. Of course, that is sex with someone I love and trust, I think that's probably the key here.


Well-known member
My goal in life is to not have sex. I'm almost across the line.

Not worrying about sex, or thinking abou what anyone thinks about my sexuality makes me less anxious.


Of course, that is sex with someone I love and trust, I think that's probably the key here.

I would have to agree. You've got intimacy, which is something the world would be a lot better with. You can buy sex just about anywhere but you can't put a price on true intimacy.


Well-known member
I think that just the act of sex would probably increase my anxiety for sure. But if I took the time to find someone who loves me and we both made each other feel comfortable and romance then would be a natural part of that relationship, then I think that the act of sex wouldn't be so traumatic. I know it would help my depression, because I get depressed out of loneliness and the thought of never experiencing a romantic relationship filled with love and of course lust...