Do you think if you had sex, you'd be less anxious?

I think it would help me be less anxious and more comfortable around the girl I had sex with. Just because:
A) we would have seen each other naked without shame
B) Sex releases the hormone "oxytocin" which helps form an emotional bond with the person you just had it with.


Well-known member
I highly doubt that having sex will have any impact on anxiety, perhaps a loving relationship will help give one confidence and security though.

Lost Girl

Well-known member
Sex doesn't (or didn't) change my anxiety levels and I don't understand why it would other than during the act? Being around strangers was still hell at times.
The emotional support a serious partner gives you is good but social anxiety can be complex so a thinking that being sexually active is a cure is a bit silly. If your issues are a fear of intimacy then maybe relaxing enough to have a full sexual relationship with a person would remove your anxiety.

Maybe the release of that something rather hormone has something to do with it. Sex doesn't cure the anxiety, but it eases it sometimes, for me.
I have sex regularly, but I'm an absolute mess when it comes to social situations; I avoid even the most mundane interactions (the only exception being written communication).


It use to make me feel better about myself, but now everytime I have sex, i just feel worthless, because they dont want to date me, they just want to have sex with me, it's not even worth it anymore.


Well-known member
I got to 2nd base last night, and I do think it helps with anxiety because I felt great today.