Ah do, and ah don't... Well, ah love ma mum, despite her dour, pessimist attitude. But she been through a lot in her life - being a single parent cannae be easy when ye huv 3 kids. And she's got a great, surreal, nonsensical sense uh humour. We git along, but there are times where we can argue aboot summit.
Ma dad, well... He wuz intimidatin' African bloke and a total c%*t - a bit like Robert Mugabe, in that respect.
Ah cannae say ah like 'em - ah didnae. But ah never knew 'em, either. Coz he wuz'nae really a part uh ma life, until ma teens. Ah also felt he didnae like me aw that much. But then he a control-freak - probably one reason why him and ma mum seperated when ah wuz jist a few months old.