Do you like where you live?


Well-known member
I live in laval quebec canada ( a city right next to montreal)

What i like: it's quiet and peaceful, it's mostly urban but with forest ( well at least where i live) the weather can be really nice during summer

what i don't like: the bus system kinda suck, sometimes you just want to play outside but there is no one. the best college are in montreal so i ended up having friends that live too far.

what i hate: winter ( probably the thing i hate the most in life) is horribly cold here, too often cloudy

it's not a bad place to live, but i want to go live in Vancouver or somewhere in BC


Well-known member
I like where I live. It strikes a good balance between being overcrowded and deserted. I rarely see my neighbours and it's not too awkward when I do. Most of them are ten years older and are in a different stage in their lives. There's is a nice path near the river where I can jog and not be too distracted.

I know there are a lot of perks and amenities that I have yet to try in my region.

Once I 'get over myself' I'm sure I'll be able to enjoy where I live even more.


Well-known member
I love where I live. Even the exact location of my house. I live in British Columbia, in a small town surrounded by mountains, on top of a hill. I live about 5 minutes outside of the town, actually. I don't think I'd like to live innnn town. One of the main things that I don't like about my town is the crime. Sure, there's going to be crime everywhere you go, but my town has had the highest crime rate in BC for a while now, I think. I can do without all the gangs, really.
No, not at all. Actually I want to move out this country as soon as possible. Well, at least I don't want to stay in my hometown for the rest of my life. I prefer to live in a big city, with at least 1 million inhabitants. I just feel safer in cities. I will have more privacy and I will feel less lonely. It's just too suffocating is small towns and villages.
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Well-known member
yes i like it were i live , its near the contryside and the ocean .... plenty of good eating places around here and lots of good shops ....


Well-known member
I like it for the most part. The crime rate is a bit high here but my section of town is on the edge of the crime zone so it's not too bad. Other then that it's a nice place to live. People mind there own business and don't pry into neighbors lives. Because of the relatively high crime in the area the police can't be bothered by small problems, so I don't have to worry about cops showing up because my dog is barking too loud or I'm mowing my lawn after 6pm like some of the towns around here.


Well-known member
im in bosnia..its not that great, but i like my house:p

I would actually like to visit Bosnia one day.:)

I guess there are so many reasons why I should leave where I stay. (Jo'burg)
-Incredibly high crime rate.
-Poor health services, and expensive rates for electricity, water and communication (telephones, mobiles etc)
-Thin air, as I stay at altitude.
-No water (sea, river, lake) anywhere near this place.

But despite all this, I guess I'm just too used to life here. I suppose it would take a lot to make me leave.::p:


Well-known member
It's breath takingly beautiful where I live but.. I prefer to the Ocean to the mountains so.. I would really rather live in southern California. Tho I guess I can't really complain. It's a nice enough area. But it's really out of the way... basically in the middle of no where. North central WA state, right on the Canadian border. The closest city with movie theaters and shopping malls and restaurants is about a 5 hour drive East of where I live on the other side of the mountains xD But sometimes the country atmosphere is nice, especially with SA. I get left alone...


Well-known member
I totally know what you mean about living in a small town. Everyone knows everyone and all.
I dont like where i live because it brings up bad memories. My old school is near where i live just aroun the corner and my old friends live near. I havent seen them for years either they probably think i've moved!
I would probably go out for walks more if i lived somewhere else. When i go out shopping or somewhere i like to be away from my town because everywhere in my small town i use to go with old friends jut beings back memories some good and bad. And plus if i see someone i would freak out. ::eek::


Well-known member
I really like it in London there's everything you could want here and that's cool but sometimes i love the idea of living somewhere quieter like if i looked out of my window i'd see fields instead of other houses, but i know that would do my head in after a while, im a city girl at heart!
yes but there has just been a big fire near my house minutes ago, it could have burned my house.. i guess no where is safe