Do you have a secret fetish??? (keep it clean)


Well-known member
Just out of curiosity i'd like to hear about that secret fetish that arouses you more than anything else. Also, does this fetish cause you any guilt and why? And is this fetish a secret or have you ever played out this fantasy? Sorry if this is too personal guys ;)

I'm attracted to my own reflection and shadow.


Well-known member
Can we establish a definition of fetish? Or are we just talking about things that attract us?

I think some people are just talking about things they're turned on by.

I have an actual fetish. But I'd rather keep it a secret.:rolleyes: It's nothing dirty or kinky. Just something I've always been strangely turned on by. It's to a point where I couldn't completely enjoy anything sexual without it, in some form. It's impossible not to at least think about it. I used to think I was an absolute nut. I felt completely ashamed of it. I thought it was the weirdest thing ever. I just thought it was something I'd keep a secret my whole life. It's pretty rare. I don't even think it has an official name. I've never found it in any fetish list at all. But I eventually came across an online community of others like me. It was ssoooo relieving to know I wasn't the only one in the world like this. I've since come to terms with my fetish. I can enjoy it now without feeling guilty, at least alone and in my fantasy world. I still think I'm kinda weird, but it's not a bad thing. People have had mixed reactions when they've told their partners. Some think it's weird and don't like it while others embrace it and have fun with it too. I've never told anyone about it, but I'd have to feel pretty comfortable with someone before I could ever admit to it. And if it ever gets to that point, I don't think I could stay with a guy who isn't accepting of it. If he doesn't enjoy it or merely tolerates it, I think I'd just feel like something's missing or maybe even like I'm using him a little. I don't want that. Finding a guy that's right for me is going to be tough for countless other reasons. My fetish will only makes things more difficult. I'm not going to settle for someone I'm not sexually compatible with. I may end up single indefinitely, but oh well. It's just who I am.::eek::
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^ I am dying to know what it is. But I totally hear ya.

Has anyone seen american psycho where he hires those two prostitutes and is watching himself in the mirror while hes getting the job done?


It makes me want to watch old episodes of the know...the ones with bam bam in it.

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Well-known member
I am a sexual deviant.. im cool with it.

how can you ask someone about their fantasies and expect them to "keep it clean" lolololol


Well-known member
Women in leggings! I just find them so sexy. I mean...they show off a woman's legs and bum - what's not to like!

I also have a thing - some might call it an obsession ;) - with Indian women. Even better when they are wearing their Sari's and stuff. I still like women of other ethnicities, but I just have a thing for Indian girls. Luckily for me there's loads living in my town :D
I don't know whether it's a fetish, but I'm attracted to intelligence. No, not ''look at all those diplomas'' intelligent, I mean the basic form. Being capable of analysing and verbally communicating.

I have yet to confirm it as we are the only ''intelligent'' species on the planet with the fore mentioned human-ish intelligence. But if my attraction to fiction is any clue, I don't think I could find anyone- or anything- sexually repulsive physically.

I understand this can viewed as somewhat controversial. I apologize if it was offensive to you.


Well-known member
I like a certain kind of talk, non abusive. I also like to talk. :D

I have a fetish for certain trappings of metal and punk on a man. But, that's just what I look at. Doesn't necessarily send me running in their direction.


Well-known member
Is clothing a fetish? Or half-clothed? I just feel that women are much more sexy when they're not totally buttnaked.

Of course I love the buttnakedness too. :D