Do you have a parent with SAD??

Darker Than Black

Well-known member
I think it passes down on my dad's side, cuz he is not that social and quiet like me...

I remember my mom had a fight w/ him about why he doesn't talk...:(

and I've seen it from some of my cousins on my dad's side as well...:(

After I told my parents I had SAD, they were in denial AND I said I think dad has it too, but he just said "No, I don't"

Anyone experienced this?


Well-known member
My mum has a mental illness she used to talk to herself and see things which where not there. She used to stare at me all the time when I was younger it used to scare me she still does it sometimes today but only when she thinks I won't notice because I get angry when she does it. She got better with medication but she's still Ill. I think she will always be Ill though. After my dad died last year she turned to alcohol she was drinking already but now its got worse she needs a drink everyday. My mums sister was really mentally unwell and had to be sectioned for a while shes also got epilepsy and used to have fits in the supermarket etc. She claims shes better now but shes still off her rocker but she's able to work and that now. My uncle my mums brother wonders if there is anything wrong with him too I didn't ask him why he wonders this but I think it shows he might have some issues but he's generally ok I think. My nan my mum's mum suffered with her nerves a lot and had to go the doctors about that I'm not sure if she has any other problems. So basically my mums side have a lot of problems and I guess that's where my SA issues come from ::(: I'm not sure if they suffer from SA though but my mum might along with more serious problems. On the other hand my dads family are very strong minded, successful, outgoing people and my sister is the same so I guess she got that and I got my mums side which sucks. I respect my dads family a lot and have always wanted to be just like them and It makes me angry that I'm not. I feel not worthy of my dads family because they're strong and I'm not so strong in the mind. Sorry about the rambling lol I didn't intend it to go on for this long :rolleyes: Any thoughts on this?
My mum has a mental illness...
I have found my long lost brother at last :)
My mom is schizophrenic so I have first hand experience with
severe mental illness.

My father brother side of the family are all academics.
I am on my way but I share patterns from my father and mother.
I know my mom has SAD and I am starting to believe that my father
might have a little of it too.


Well-known member
Maybe I should change my username to blueski ::p: lol

Yer the thing about it running in families makes me wonder weather I should have kids or not. I want kids in the future but I wouldn't want them to have to go through what I go through what are your thoughts on this?


Well-known member
my parents both suffered froma lot of depression, my sister is bi-polar, my brother I think has SA becuase he doesn't go out much and he is quiet but he is extremely confident and cocky about the things he can do so I dunno, he thinks he's sperman and better than everyone but also doesn't talk or socialize much
SA is a learned behavior. Doesnt pass on through blood, its learned. If your parents act like how you act, then they taught you to be scared of the world.


Staff member
Your father sounds like me lol

my mum has bad nerves, on my fathers side there's a few "odd" relatives, thats about it


Well-known member
SA is a learned behavior. Doesnt pass on through blood, its learned. If your parents act like how you act, then they taught you to be scared of the world.

It wasn't a learned behavior for me. Both of my parents have always been very social, as is everyone in my extended family. I've just always been this way. I had no one to learn it from, since no one else had it, & there are a lot of others who have it without being raised around people who do.


I don't think they had SA, I just think they f***ed me as a kid. I mean, I've heard stories of multiple situation where i could have died...
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It wasn't a learned behavior for me. Both of my parents have always been very social, as is everyone in my extended family. I've just always been this way. I had no one to learn it from, since no one else had it, & there are a lot of others who have it without being raised around people who do.

You kinda validated my point. SA regardless is learned. Whatever you been through in life and how you dealt with your situations made you the way you are. Doesnt matter if your parents were social or not social.
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Maybe I should change my username to blueski ::p: lol ...
Yeah man you should and change your avatar to a blue ski mask.
Or maybe I should change my name to PrettyMan :)

I someday if I get the chance would like to have kids and a family also
but it scares me that possibly someday along the line I might inherit
my mothers problem and I would not want to put a child through that.

I think if I meet a women someday that I could imagine to be married
to and eventually have kids with I will be completely honest and tell her
about the sickness that runs in my family and then decide before
we bring a poor child into this world.

So far I have nothing, my mom developed her problem in her early
thirties. So I will know in a few years.
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Well-known member
i feel down a huge flight of stairs when I was a baby, like 30 hardwood steps but came out flawless I guess only my tooth went deep into my gums or something like that.