Do you guys get jealous of people who have better/neater hand-writing than you?

I don't know if I get jealous, but I definitely do wonder why basically everyone else's handwriting looks wayyy better. I've always had to concentrate a lot more than is normal if I want my handwriting to look close to neat


Well-known member
I have really bad handwriting and have seen a lot of people with bad handwriting, and when I first started my job, I was even asked to make my writing a bit neater on some forms. While I would like good handwriting I accept that my handwriting will never be great, and I don't really pay that much attention to other people's handwriting to become jealous.


Well-known member
HEll yes! I hate my hand writing :( which really sucks because I want to be a published poet when I grow up! I'm ALWAYS writing.


Well-known member
I print everything

in capitals

i come from a whole family of engineers and architects

everyone "letters" instead of writing
Conversely, I take a slight pride with my terrible writing. I'm no doctor.

My handwriting is so terrible, I can write with both hands and it's equal. If not better with the left. I am right handed.


Well-known member
Oh my word, YES! And I'm sooo jealous of people who can write quickly and neatly at the same time while I take half an hour to make one unrecognisable preeschooler's hieroglyphic.
not really jealous, but I do admire some handwritings.. Like my italian pen pall, omg she's has a great handwriting style, but I have to say that I improved , it looks better now.. , so it gets better :)