Do you fit in with the rest of your Community?


Well-known member
Well for me living in this middle class suburb, pretty much detached from the rest of the big city, I don't form part of my Community. My father knows every person under the sun, but most people don't even know I exist. Heck, even most of my neighbours don't know who I am. Any events which happen in the vicinity is usually the last place you'll find me. Most people who form part of my extended family are very well known, and people with my surname are usually looked up to, and are held in good esteem. Of course this isn't the same for me. I think people can't believe my father has a son as quiet and solitary as me. So how about you, how do you fit in with the rest of your Community?


Well-known member
How do you define "community"? Most communities/cities show sufficient diversity such that virtually everyone can find people to get along with. You most certainly don't need to get along with the majority, or know the majority, or even fit in. Be yourself and find people whose company you can be happy in.


Well-known member
hmmm well to be honest i do tend to keep myself to myself im not a loner ... just dont mix with my Neighbours that much , but if they say hi , i do ..


I think I do quite easily, because for example the neighbors and most of others are retarded idiots, just like us :D.


Well-known member


Well-known member
Our neighborhood seems like they all have sp because they all keep to themselves pretty much, except the lady next door she's really into that neighborly bond.

She was a bit strange towards me at first but I have talked to her a few times now and she starting to not be so apprehensive towards me.


Well-known member
There are a lot of different types of people in my city, ranging from well off, to those who are living in shelters or on the streets, even, so that's a hard question to answer. My "community" has too many different types of people to accurately answer the question because everyone is different. There really is no community. Everyone just basically goes on about their business for the most part & ignores others. I have one neighbor who's overly "friendly" & super social & I certainly don't fit well with him. When it comes to fitting in with my family, the world in general, etc. I definitely don't fit in. No one knows who I am, but no one knows who anyone else is, either, & even if it weren't that way, it wouldn't bother me because I don't want people to know who I am because that would mean they might talk to me, & I don't want that.


Well-known member
Nope, not at all. Almost all of my friends and acquaintances are extremely different in one way or another. I don't let it bother me much, though, because it's been that way all my life.


Well-known member
Most people are pretty stupid especially with chosing friends so if you're not liked consider it a compliment.
Electric Time Motors

Of course I don't fit in, I'm a freak ;). But there's far too many people round' here for me to say whether or not I fit into the community, so it be called. I'm guessing you live in a small town?
I live in a fairly small town, and for the most part I don't fit in that well. The population basically consists of older, rich, retired people, and drug addicts/dealers. The rest is mostly tourists and people from the city who come to their condos and chalets on weekends.

I know that hidden somewhere there are people that I would get along with, but because of the SA I have not found them. Luckily for me, though, my best friend has lived next door to me since I was 7 years old, so i guess in that respect I'm on fairly good terms with at least one of my neighbours...


Well-known member
How do you define "community"? Most communities/cities show sufficient diversity such that virtually everyone can find people to get along with. You most certainly don't need to get along with the majority, or know the majority, or even fit in. Be yourself and find people whose company you can be happy in.

Maybe I should have used the word neighbourhood. Generally speaking the areas close to where you live, where people know each other well and do things together due to there close proximity.

Does not fitting in cause you distress?

No, not really. For me I guess the frustrating thing is that people in my neighbourhood expect me to be entirely different to what I am. The fact that I am so introverted makes me stick out like a sore thumb. This certainly made me a target for the mob mentality of certain neighbourhood kids back in the day.


Well-known member
Re: Electric Time Motors

Of course I don't fit in, I'm a freak ;). But there's far too many people round' here for me to say whether or not I fit into the community, so it be called. I'm guessing you live in a small town?

Actually I live in a very big city, but my neighbourhood is really like a small town in its self. Something which I think may be more common in South Africa. I guess you have to live here to understand. : )