Do you feel alone?


Active member
When I was really young my mum died, my dad had a stroke and lost his speech, Ive never had any real friends, so yea I have felt alone my entire life.


Well-known member
Of course I do, the only affection I got is from my online friends. I absolutely appreciate that, it keeps me together. But it suck so much to not be able to even get a zarking real hug.

*orders a zarking real hug from a beautiful lady and has it delivered to Dent, along with a home cooked meal and some fine desserts*


Right now, a little bit. Sitting in one of the dining halls, kind of wishing someone was sitting here with me (no one specific, just SOME one).

It'll pass.


Well-known member
I feel SP people develop a sort of dislike for people because lets face it we feel as if people unfairly assume we are unfriendly due to how we avoid people, or they just seem to deny your existance and could never know what SP is or understand it because its a phobia, phobias are not based on much logic just a deep inner fear. Loniliness hits us hard but think about this: it does not mean you are totally better off than those with many friends people can be in a living hell with friends.

It is sad how at an early age we were cursed but so long as we don't blame ourselves. We need to target the cause and our thoughts we can perservere.

Maybe its easier for me to think this way now, about 10 years ago I would just feel cold all the time, and hated the noise of people chattering. While I was in class or anywhere public wishing I could join in, but alas I always found I couldn't utter a single word and the mind went blank and I felt as if falling in an endless abyss. Still that horrible feeling of impending doom still haunts me.

Sometimes I wonder about meet up groups for SP, forcing yourself to be with people has helped me alot, also reading about psychology and developing a thick skin.

No one should be lonely no one! If you can find but one friend who cherishes and trully cares about you, you have won.
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Well-known member
There are many times when I don't feel alone. There are many times when I do. And I know that, every time, it's me that has the key to the door that divides both rooms. I think I only feel alone when I hold myself back.


Well-known member
I do feel alone. I don't have the pizzaz gene that most of the extroverts have. Most of the time I'm okay being alone, b/c I like the peace & quiet. Sometimes I'd like to have somebody to do things with, though.


Well-known member
It is hard being a social phobic. Everyone you meet, you have to have your guard up with, to some extent. My guard is even up around my family now, because I'm always worried they will ask about uni and city life, and I will make a Freudian slip and say "I don't really know what I want to do if I graduate uni" and "I don't have a city life". It just seems that the only place to be and act like my literal self is when there is no-one else around. I'm even scared of talking to my youngest step-brothers, because of the chance that they might think I'm a wierdo and tell all their friends at school how strange I am.

I've only really got one friend in the city, and that is only because he is always approaching ME, asking ME if I wanna do stuff, or initiating online conversations with me. I never approach anyone myself, try to make my own friends, ask anyone if they wanna do stuff, or even go out at all for that matter, unless invited.

Moreover, when I meet someone or start talking too them, I am always thinking "How do I look? Does my skin have blemishes? Do I look fat? Do I look like a stupid hippy with my long hair? Will they look down on me like I'm proletarian debris? Will they start talking about their life and how awesome it is? Will they start inquiring and probing into my life? ****, I'll have to make stuff up! What if they find out I lied to them? I won't be able to look them in the face if I meet them again!" Hence I am usually thinking of how to get away as quickly as possible.

So yeah, I'm alone much of the time. And it isn't always fabulous. Sometimes it is genuinely lonely.


Well-known member
Yea, very much so unfortunately. Don't think there is much chance of breaking the cycle in the near future. Not a good situation to be in.


Active member
I think is less hard when somebody is alone but he has money, you can survive without people even if you feel alone.


Well-known member
Even when Im with people I tend to feel alone. No one understands my view of the world. I guess I just don't let anyone in fully if they live their life as 'drones' never asking "why?". I find it to be a fruitless life, yet I understand.


Well-known member
Completely and utterly alone.
It's my own choice, though.

It's funny how that works. For many reasons - it becomes your choice, mine too, perhaps not 100% - and even when with ppl, if depressed or with other issues, you can still feel completely and utterly alone.

But I KNOW this won't always be the case. For it hasn't always been I know for me, and I know for most people there's been a time - and will be better again. For everyone if we somewhere deep down believe we will end the lonliness and DESERVE not to be alone and go turn our alienation to congregation of the soul and spirit and sing a ballad with semblance of happiness and fulfillment. :) (wow that's gushy and confusing, ah well :D