Do you feel alone?


I'm like this^^ alone. I hate it, but it's totally my choice...if I was well it would be different.

On top of everything I've been dealing with it sucks to say... but I couldn't deal with my friends anymore. So.. slowly I pushed each and every single person (even some family) that ever meant anything to me away. I figured if I got rid of them first it wouldn't hurt so bad...(horrible, I know)

I know its not better this way, I hate the feeling of my life being empty...but it is way easier. I don't want to feel like I'm burdening anyone with my issues.

I've told people in the past about my situation and I regret it. They automatically labelled me. Now I just assume that I'm going to get a negative I say nothing and I deal with it on my own.

Took me forever to write this I was pointing ^^^up at Weirdy McGees post
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razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I feel alone most of the time. Sometimes I feel lonely when I am with others too. And at times when I am supposed to be having fun, I will feel out of it too. I don't know how to shake these feeling off.

Anyway, here this little picture that came up in my tumblr not so long ago. Seems fitting:



Well-known member
I know I've said I feel alone before, but right now I just feel ridiculously alone. I feel so alone that it just f*cking hurts and I wish it would all just go away...


Well-known member
Yeah =( I don't even speak to my best friend anymore because she changed and I can't deal with that. I do wanna talk to my 'friends' but I feel so weird talking to them x_x


Well-known member
I don't even speak to my best friend anymore because she changed and I can't deal with that.
Ah, that's really awful, Luka. It's that situation where you want her to be who she was before, but you know that's not going to happen.

I have a friend in a similar situation. He has become a little more reckless and he likes getting drunk all the time. Although this might actually be a case of me changing, as well, less so him.


Well-known member
I have been, too, but this is not about me. Why have you been feeling alone?

Well I have no friends except online ones. Even the father of my son (my ex) isn't a friend anymore, I can tell and I hardly see him. My boyfriend lives literally an ocean away. I don't talk to anybody at school because they're all younger than me and nobody can understand that I'm an individual. It feels like I get laughed at during class if I say a single thing so I don't even talk much at all now. Just depressing.


Well-known member
Well I have no friends except online ones. Even the father of my son (my ex) isn't a friend anymore, I can tell and I hardly see him. My boyfriend lives literally an ocean away. I don't talk to anybody at school because they're all younger than me and nobody can understand that I'm an individual. It feels like I get laughed at during class if I say a single thing so I don't even talk much at all now. Just depressing.
If the father of your child is no longer friends with you, I think that says more about him than about you. I wouldn't take too much of that to heart.

You're in a long-distance relationship? That must be really tough on you (and him). Are you two making plans to see each other soon or is that not viable at the moment? I had a friend who had a long-distance relationship with a woman he never met, and I couldn't understand why neither of them wanted to meet. It was strange.

I can't imagine why anyone would laugh at you for talking, to be honest. Unless they were horrible people.

Keep your head up. I hope it all passes soon. :)


Well-known member
If the father of your child is no longer friends with you, I think that says more about him than about you. I wouldn't take too much of that to heart.

You're in a long-distance relationship? That must be really tough on you (and him). Are you two making plans to see each other soon or is that not viable at the moment? I had a friend who had a long-distance relationship with a woman he never met, and I couldn't understand why neither of them wanted to meet. It was strange.

Lol, thank you for the kind words. Yes, it's really tough, we're planning on me visiting in late March/early April but stuff is going on for both sides that may affect money (both our fathers are having medical issues) for it. Well, here's hoping, lol. Again, thank you for listening. :)


Well-known member
Lol, thank you for the kind words. Yes, it's really tough, we're planning on me visiting in late March/early April but stuff is going on for both sides that may affect money (both our fathers are having medical issues) for it. Well, here's hoping, lol. Again, thank you for listening. :)
Where does he live, if you don't mind me asking? And yeah, medical bills and that sort of thing can put a dampener on saving money to visit, but April is still enough months away to start a collection of cash so hopefully you're able to do that!

No problem. This site is for people to listen and to vent (more or less), so I'm happy to help and give support/encouragement. :)


Well-known member
Where does he live, if you don't mind me asking? And yeah, medical bills and that sort of thing can put a dampener on saving money to visit, but April is still enough months away to start a collection of cash so hopefully you're able to do that!

The Netherlands, LOL!! So thousands of miles, literally. Yeah true, but always good to get a plane ticket as fast as you possibly can so they can't say 'Hey, we overbooked so you're not getting on' so easily. xD


Well-known member
The Netherlands, LOL!! So thousands of miles, literally. Yeah true, but always good to get a plane ticket as fast as you possibly can so they can't say 'Hey, we overbooked so you're not getting on' so easily. xD
Oh, boy. Have you two met before? How did you get to know him?


Well-known member
Oh, boy. Have you two met before? How did you get to know him?

Yeah we've met twice in real life, lol, we met through the internet through a music site where we happened to have the same taste in music. Got attached even with how little time we've had in rl. We talk everyday but a camera is different from real interacting.


Well-known member
Yeah we've met twice in real life, lol, we met through the internet through a music site where we happened to have the same taste in music. Got attached even with how little time we've had in rl. We talk everyday but a camera is different from real interacting.
Yeah, I can understand. I like how you met because you had the same taste in music, haha! Music is pretty much my biggest reason to get out of bed in the morning, but there's got to be other personality traits than just that! ;) But I'm glad it works for you.

Real interaction would be the best so the two of you can actually touch each other properly. It's difficult with such a distance between you but I hope you two can make it work and get together soon.

As it is, I know a guy in his 50's who met a woman who also lives in The Netherlands. He went over there to visit her, she came here to visit him. Pretty soon after that, they married and she has now relocated to Australia to live with him. If they can do it, so can you two!


Well-known member
Real interaction would be the best so the two of you can actually touch each other properly. It's difficult with such a distance between you but I hope you two can make it work and get together soon.

As it is, I know a guy in his 50's who met a woman who also lives in The Netherlands. He went over there to visit her, she came here to visit him. Pretty soon after that, they married and she has now relocated to Australia to live with him. If they can do it, so can you two!

I agree, I miss that a lot. Heheh, awesome!! XD Yeah, things will be tough but I know it will work out someday. :)