Do you ever think about embarrasing moments and cringe?


Active member
Sometimes I think like 80% of my life is a total embarrassment. I think about those moments all the time and I cant help but get sucked into it all over again when I relive it like that. One of the most embarrassing moments for me was in high school in this biology class. That day we were learning about the female sexual organs. most of the class was surprised and shocked by what they learned and by the end of the class I was ready to go home. so I'm on the first floor almost out of the building and this guy from biology class who has been talking to me lately comes up and starts discussing about what we learned today. out of nowhere I blurt out to him, "You should take sex ed class!" right where a girl in a group heard me. She was like, "Oh my god. This girl is talking about sex!" It was the most humiliating **** ever. Or ... omg. This one time I was waiting outside the auditorium of my high school. Lots of ppl gathered waiting too. I wasn't standing with anyone. This girl was next to me and she kept looking at me if she to check me out. I think she knew I was nervous standing by myself with no body. i got even more nervous when more people started to group around me in their own circle of friends. Another girl bumped into my elbow and apologized but I neither looked at me or responded. Then later a really tall guy noticed me and touched the top of my head. He was commenting how shiny my hair was. i was horrified in that moment being singled out and completely froze. i didn't say anything the entire time and kept my head down. people around me started commenting about me like saying how i looked really scared and stuff. another girl tried to intervene and talk to me. she told her friends she wanted me to know he didn't mean anything bad but i just lost it. a whole flood of people rushed into the auditorium once the door opened but i turned and ran to the girls bathroom, locked myself in a stall and cried. i felt really stupid that i couldn't utter a word to any of those ppl but that now there were ppl who probably thought i was stupid. This occurred around the same time i was in this english writing class in hs. that class was the most hated experience of my life. i got called stupid by one of the girls. i was sitting right there and she goes to her friend, "look at her she doesn't even say anything. she's so stupid." on the first day of that class the teacher got the "brilliant" (sarcasm) idea we would all "get to know each other" by playing this stupid name game. like the first person would say their name and the next person would say the previous person's name plus their own. by the time it got to me i was so anxious i didn't remember anyone's name. i had done the most stupid thing by coughing nonstop. i had such an itchy throat that day. everyone in class could not stop laughing at me. particularly one of the girls i'll never forget because she looked at me funny all the time. i couldn't take it anymore to the point i stopped attending that class. the next time i saw that girl on the train platform like a bitch she says to her friend how stupid i am.
i would guess most of my embarrassing experiences center around my social phobia. ..


Well-known member
Happens all the time. I'm constantly beating myself up for stupid little things that probably don't even matter. Any uncomfortable moment and bad memory that I'd rather forget just plays over and over in my mind and I can't stand it. Sometimes things just pop into my head at random. And I also think up random embarrassing and awful things that I'd never want to experience. They're not exactly dark fantasies or anything because I'm not doing it on purpose or enjoying the thoughts. Weird random scenarios just pop into my head out of nowhere. I'll picture myself saying or doing something stupid or I'll imagine some tragic event happening. I get mad at my brain sometimes. Thoughts like this happen and that's usually when I start thinking things like "f my life" and "I hate myself."::(:


Well-known member
It's so predictable and so painful that I stay up until I'm on the verge of passing out before I finally crawl into bed

For me, its when I'm awake, or when I can foreseen something unpleasant happening that makes me do that, the same dreaded repetitive thought keeps going through my head, its so bad, I start getting hallucinations sometimes, or rather many a times, thinking that same thing is happening to me. To make things worse, it takes me ages, like years to forget these stuff, provided I'm not in the same situations that provoke it, before I can tuck them at the back of my mind, its dreadful :eek:


I don't think there is any person who has never been subjected to embarrassing situations...its something we all have experienced but the key is not to let such things get on your head.

secretly awesome

Well-known member
Yes I do. Embarassing moments are some of my clearest memories when it comes to the distant past! More and more in recent years I have come to accept my oddities and shortcomings and the cringes are a bit less strong.


Well-known member
Yeah stuff like that always haunts me. I cant forget it and ill always daydream and think back even when its dead and buried. I am SO in the past all the time. Its really holding me back.



I've never thought of this behaviour being connected to a social anxiety.. I just thought it was normal for everyone? I liken it to that feeling when you think of a comeback you *wish* you had said in response to someone else hehe.

There have definitely been times when I'd do something stupid and i'd be thinking about it for hours and hours on end. Usually I'd tell someone (like my boyfriend or a family member) about the situation and how I responded to it, to see if it really was as bad as I thought it was. Usually it isn't. Or if it is.. We joke about it :rolleyes: It does help with getting over it though!
I'm sorry to hear that your past haunts you at night. I really am. But if it helps, yeah, I do it too. You're not alone in this. ~WO

What helps me sometimes is the phrase "Nobody is perfect, everybody makes mistakes.". Usually it's a small consulation, but it takes a small edge off all the same. :3


Well-known member
Not just embarrassing moments, although I do cringe when I think about particular incidents or situations. I also tend to dwell on other more mundane interactions and wonder whether something I said was stupid or out of place. Even posting to an internet forum I will panic once I have posted something and often wish I could go back and just delete a post altogether.


Well-known member
yea it's annoying especially when a moment becomes bearable to think about and then some new embarassing moment happens
Yes, I do, and I will tell you of one instance that was embarrassing and makes me cringe.

I was headed to my school's library, and there was a man in front of me carrying heavy electronic devices in his arms. I wasn't too far behind and as he was about to reach the door, I sped and quickly, but carefully, cut him off and held the door open for him.

Cutting in front of a person carrying heavy supplies...bad idea, even if I didn't bump into him or anything.

I did it because it looked like he wasn't going to push the handicapped button. I didn't want him to try to pry open the door with all that he was carrying. He gave me a dirty look as I held open the door for him. The person behind him smiled as I held the door open for her.

I was so caught up trying to be polite that I was rude. Also, I think he was a respected member of the school.

You know, maybe I should start a thread where you can tell of an embarrassing moment that makes you cringe followed by how you cope with it, like with a quote or something.


Active member
I do this all the time. I usually think of this particular moment that happened about 8 years ago - pathetic! I was in middle school and had to do a presentation. I was holding my sheet of paper, reading off of it, when my hands began to shake uncontrollably and people started laughing at me. This one girl was laughing REALLY hard, trying to keep it inside...I still remember it so vividly, and how much I just wanted to kill myself. It was horrible. Even though it happened so long ago, it still plagues me. I bet no one even remembers that situation but me. Then my mind links to all the other presentations and situations where I was overly nervous and embarassed myself. It's really a vicious cycle, and I have to actively stop my mind of thinking about those things on a daily basis. Really exhausting.


Well-known member
I can't remember when the memory of an old embarrassing moment last made me miserable. I seem to have grown out of that.When I get a flashback I'll shriek and think "oh, my God!" - but then I laugh about it.The memories stopped being painful somewhere in my thirties.In my twenties I did a lot of crying over the memories of all my humiliating high school incidents. When I have a new embarrassing moment, my freaking-out only lasts a few hours. I'm always over it by the next day. That's the best thing about getting older - you learn to accept yourself and laugh at all your mess-ups.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Yes, and they come out of nowhere like bad flashbacks.

Just this afternoon I was sitting in my car at the lights when, completely out of the blue, something that happened back in 1997 popped into my head. There was absolutely no reason for this totally insignificant memory of an inconsequential incident from 13 years ago to come to my mind, but there it was - bang!

I sometimes think I'll never be free of SA unless I can somehow cleanse these memories from my brain. And I know that's never going to happen. ::(:


Well-known member
It's so nice to know that I'm not the only one dealing with this. I am getting better though. I'm able to forget little embarrassing moments like tripping or dropping stuff. I do it so often, I guess, it doesn't bother me anymore. Other big embarrassing experiences are almost impossible to forget. Any little trigger and whamo! it's like I'm back in that place going through the same thing again. I sometimes end up screaming at myself saying things like "stop it! shut up!"::p: I've done this while I was in a store once. Someone heard me, then this incident turned into another bad memory. ::eek::

What I find really surprising is that I can remember every detail of these incidents, yet I have trouble remembering important things, like meetings, birthdays, names or even where I put my keys. ::p:
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I spend most of my day trying to distract myself from thinking about all of the embarrassing things I've said and/or done. The only consolation I have is knowing that eventually I'll have a new embarrassing thing to replace the old ones lol.