Do you ever think about embarrasing moments and cringe?

I think redeeming yourself, and getting a chance to (sort of) relive the situation otherwise helps allot.

Like for example, there was this time when some family member went to see a comedy show, and being a big fan of anything comedy they invited me to go with them. Nervous as I was, it went okay. Until the end. The show ended, and everybody stood up to give a standing ovation. This being my first time in any sort of theater show, I was not familiar with this etiquette, and remained seated. To make matter worse, I had a front row seat on a balcony, so the gap where I sat was VERY visible to the person that preformed. I was SO ashamed of that.

Then 6 months later, I went to another show, a musical. The show was great, but I was very focused on getting it right this time. So when it ended (even though my hand was bleeding) I clapped just as enthusiastically.

It was awkward still, but now when I think back to that first time it isn't nearly as shameful as it was before. What I saying is, if you get a chance, don't avoid the same situation. Use the past situation to learn from, and do it better the next time. :)
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Well-known member
Yes, Everyday.

Usually on past drunken experiences.

Which occur at least twice a week.


Lost Girl

Well-known member
Sometimes when I'm lying in bed and can't sleep, I seem to look back at past experiences and feel so embarrased about them (even if I didn't feel embarrased at the time) and think "oh my god, why did I do that?" then bury my head into my pillow.

Or if I'm listening to music on my iPod and daydreaming. I usually imagine some random scenario where I'm about to do something in front of other people, and I always balls it up and make myself look stupid. So I end up cringing and feeling embarrased about something that didn't even happen!

Does anyone else do this? :confused:

Oh my goodness, I used to do this all the time! My advice to you is to just STOP! When you feel yourself starting to remember things you'd rather forget, where you've embarrassed yourself in some way or wish to god that you had reacted to a situation differently, change that thought pattern immediately! Get up, and do something else, or put another song on, or think about a task that you have to do, read a book, anything, push that thought aside. Ignorance is bliss! If you really can't do that, like I've had times when I just couldn't stop thinking about something and thinking 'my goddd, everyone's going to think I'm such a weirdooooo", just try to think of it from a non-judgmental viewpoint, just think it over and think 'okay, what I did there was stupid, but I've learned from it, and try to handle situations like that better next time ' and move on from it. There is no point in thinking over the same past embarrassing moment over and over again, and it's just going to bring you down, and make you lose more and more confidence. Everyone has had moments they would rather forget, try to wipe it clean and start afresh, give yourself another chance, life goes on, and you gotta keep on keepin' on!
To just stop, sometimes not possible. To do something, drawing attention away, seems to work, at least for me.

What's done is done.