Do you consider yourself "shy" ?


Well-known member
For people with social anxiety, Do you consider yourself to be "shy" ? Is it a fitting term for you, or do you feel that that word doesn't do how you feel justice?

For me, I'm so far beyond shy that it's absurd. I would love to be shy. Even as a very little child, I was far beyond shy. I have social anxiety, agoraphobia, & an avoidant personality. I can barely leave the house, I can't talk to people, I've never had a job, even though I'm 28 years old, I've never been in a relationship, I have no friends, & all because I'm so scared of being around people. My goal is to someday be "shy" so that I can finally have a life & achieve the things I want in life. Being shy, to me, would be the best thing in the world. I could never hope for more.


Well-known member
I'm sure many people would consider me shy and reserved. But my problem is when that's all they see me as or all they know me for. Then I start to feel like I have to live up to being just shy when I'm around people that see me as that. That I can't be anything other than that around certain people. I know myself to be much more than that. So in that sense, I don't think being characterized as shy does me too much justice and it's certainly not how I feel about myself.

As for your situation, I hope you get to where you'd like to be!


Well-known member
I'm pretty shy, yes. Once I get comfortable with my surroundings I can open up a little...but it all depends really.


Well-known member
i don't think i've ever really considered myself shy... i'm not one of those people who talks a lot simply because i find that to be really annoying, but i'm not afraid to say something that i want to be heard..


Shy sounds way too derogatory, its really more of an infantile remark. If people say I'm shy or call me shy, I just say, "I'm not shy, I just hate people." It seems to work remarkably well.


Well-known member
I'm sure many people would consider me shy and reserved. But my problem is when that's all they see me as or all they know me for. Then I start to feel like I have to live up to being just shy when I'm around people that see me as that. That I can't be anything other than that around certain people.

I feel the same way. It always seems that once I get to be known as the "shy" guy, for whatever reason I feel like I have to live up to that. It doesn't help that that if I do happen to do anything "out of character" such as have an actual conversation that people always make a big deal out of it like I suddenly grew vocal cords. It's almost as if I keep quiet just because I know talking will get me way too much attention from people who are accustomed to me being quiet.


Well-known member
I feel the same way. It always seems that once I get to be known as the "shy" guy, for whatever reason I feel like I have to live up to that. It doesn't help that that if I do happen to do anything "out of character" such as have an actual conversation that people always make a big deal out of it like I suddenly grew vocal cords. It's almost as if I keep quiet just because I know talking will get me way too much attention from people who are accustomed to me being quiet.

aside from that i am also extremely awkward thats why people avoid me more.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
That can be used to your advantage though. I love busting out the "Silent Bob" nugget of profound wisdom when people least expect it.
I don't think I've ever been described as 'shy' in my life and i don't see that happening anytime soon either :eek:


Active member
i think i'm not shy at all, i know this seems nonsense, but when i look to the shy guys they are different, they all got friends and even gf, they will for example stay there and talk with a low voice while when i talk i my voice is loud but not very clear


Well-known member
No, but it depends on your definition of shy. I consider "shy" as someone who is quiet by nature (aka they simply just don't like talking much), not someone who stays quiet because of fear/no confidence. I would say I'm an extrovert with a mental disorder that handicaps my social ability.


Well-known member
I'm sure many people would consider me shy and reserved. But my problem is when that's all they see me as or all they know me for. Then I start to feel like I have to live up to being just shy when I'm around people that see me as that. That I can't be anything other than that around certain people. I know myself to be much more than that. So in that sense, I don't think being characterized as shy does me too much justice and it's certainly not how I feel about myself.

As for your situation, I hope you get to where you'd like to be!
Thanks :)
I feel the same way, though opposite (if that makes sense lol). For me, I feel like shy people are viewed as just being quiet, etc. & for me, it goes much deeper than that. I feel like when people think I'm shy, they expect too much from me. They expect me to interact in a way that's just not possible for me.

For me, "shy" is an understatement.
Same goes for me.

No, but it depends on your definition of shy. I consider "shy" as someone who is quiet by nature (aka they simply just don't like talking much), not someone who stays quiet because of fear/no confidence. I would say I'm an extrovert with a mental disorder that handicaps my social ability.
Your definition of shy & mine seem to be the same. I feel the same as you, only without being an extrovert. I'm a natural introvert & I think I would be "shy" if it weren't for my fear of being around people & especially of talking to them.


Well-known member
Thanks for all your comments :D. I've always wondered if everyone with SA just thinks of shyness & SA as being the same thing because a lot of people seem to, even though there's a HUGE different between the two, imo. Shy people are able to function much better in society than people with SA.


Well-known member
It's different to mere shyness.....It's much worse. I know of a lot of shy people who are in bands and do normal stuff like go out with their friends.